Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-1-3-09-01-100 - [Effective 1/27/2025]For the purpose of these regulations, the following words, names and terms shall be construed within the meaning and purpose of Miss. Code Ann. Sections 69-23-101 through 69-23-133.
1. "Advisory Board" shall mean the Advisory Board as defined in Section 69-25-3.2. "Agricultural Commodity" shall mean any plant, or part thereof, animal or animal product, produced by a person (including farmers, ranchers, vineyardists, plant propagators, Christmas tree growers, aquaculturists, floriculturists, orchardists, foresters, or other comparable persons) primarily for sale, consumption, propagation, or other use by man or animal.3. "Applicant" shall mean an individual who submits an application for certification as a private applicator.4. "Bureau" shall mean the Bureau of Plant Industry, Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, created under the provisions of Miss. Code Ann. Section 69-25-3.5. "Certificate" shall mean a license or permit.6. "Certification" shall mean the recognition by the Bureau that a person is competent and thus authorized to use or supervise the use of "restricted use" pesticides.7. "Certified Private Applicator" shall mean any individual who has been found competent to purchase and use "restricted use" pesticides covered by his certification.8. "Commissioner" shall mean the Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce of the State of Mississippi.9. "EPA" shall mean the United States Environmental Protection Agency.10. "Executive Secretary and/or State Entomologist" shall mean the executive secretary and director and/or state entomologist of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce as set forth in Miss. Code Ann. Section 69-25-5.11. "FIFRA" shall mean the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended.12. "Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, association, corporation or organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not.13. "Pest" shall mean: a. Any insects, rodents, nematodes, fungi and/or weeds;b. Other forms of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life or viruses, or viroids, bacteria, or other microorganism (except viruses, bacteria or other microorganism on or in living man or other living animals) which the Commissioner declares to be a pest.14. "Pesticide" shall mean any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, mitigating or attracting any pests; and shall also include adjuvants intended to enhance the effectiveness of pesticides; and any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant.15. "Private Applicator" shall mean a certified applicator who uses or supervises the use of any pesticide which is classified for restricted use for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him or his employer or (if applied without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities) on the property of another person.16. "Restricted Use Pesticide" shall mean any pesticide classified for restricted use by EPA or by the Commissioner.17. "Under the Direct Supervision of" shall mean the act or process whereby application of a pesticide is made by a competent person acting under the instructions and control of a certified applicator who is responsible for the actions of that person and who is available if and when needed, even though such certified applicator is not physically present at the time and place the pesticide is applied.18. "Unreasonable Adverse Effects on the Environment" shall mean any unreasonable risk to man or the environment, taking into account the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide.2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-09-01-100
Miss. Code Ann. § 69-23-109.