19 Miss. Code. R. 9-2.13

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 19-9-2.13 - [Effective 1/18/2025] Insurable interest
(1) Notwithstanding any other law, statute, rule or regulation to the contrary, a peer-to-peer car sharing program shall have an insurable interest in a shared vehicle during the car sharing period.
(2) Nothing in this section creates liability on a peer-to-peer car sharing program to maintain the coverage mandated by Section 3 of this act.
(3) A peer-to-peer car sharing program may own and maintain as the named insured one or more policies of motor vehicle liability insurance that provides coverage for:
(a) Liabilities assumed by the peer-to-peer car sharing program under a peer-to-peer car sharing program agreement;
(b) Any liability of the shared vehicle owner; or
(c) Damage or loss to the shared motor vehicle or any liability of the shared vehicle driver.

19 Miss. Code. R. 9-2.13

Mississippi Senate Bill No. 2530, 2024 Regular Legislative Session.
Adopted 1/18/2025