Section 19-7-3.03.2 - Rules and RegulationsA. After July 1, 1988, every manufacturer engaged in the production (construction) of modular homes within the State of Mississippi shall apply for and obtain a license from the Commissioner.B. After July 1, 2005, every retailer, developer, or modular home contractor who sells, transports, or installs modular homes within the State of Mississippi shall apply for and obtain a license from the Commissioner.C. After July 1, 1992, every installer/transporter who transports or installs new or used factory-built modular homes within the State of Mississippi shall apply for and obtain a license from the Commissioner. The application for license must be accompanied by proof of financial responsibility for cargo loss or damage.D. After July 1, 2005, every manufacturer, installer/transporter, retailer, modular home contractor, and developer who first sells, manufactures, transports or installs a modular home in this state, before such first construction, sale, transportation, or installation, shall apply for and obtain a license from the Commissioner. The original license fee and all annual renewals thereof shall be due as set forth in this Regulation. The fee shall be paid to the Commissioner in such a manner as the Commissioner may by rule require. All funds received by the Commissioner shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the Department of Insurance.E. After July 1, 2005, every manufacturer of modular homes shall submit written certification, approved by the State Fire Marshal's Office, stating that the contractor installer/transporter or modular home contractor is qualified to install their modular home. If, for just cause, a manufacturer revokes an installer/transporter or modular home contractor's certification, he shall give written notification to the Factory-Built Homes Division within ten five (10) working days. Manufacturers of modular homes are permitted in accordance with their manufacturer's license to install modular homes constructed by their company. If a modular manufacturer installs modular homes built by other modular manufacturers holding themselves out for hire to the public, they will be required to obtain an installer/transporter's license.F. Any person as defined in Miss. Code Ann. § 75-49-3(h) that repossesses and sells new or used Factory-Built homes within the State of Mississippi shall apply for and obtain a retailer's or developer's license, unless the sale is contracted through a current licensed retailer or developer to insure that the Factory-Built home is installed and set-up by a licensed installer/transporter in compliance with the Division's rules and regulations. A copy of said contract with the licensed retailer/developer is required to be on file with the Division. Upon license renewal, licensees are exempt from having three (3) units available for retailers; five (5) home sites for developers and from annual educational seminars.G. No retailer, modular home contractor, developer, transporter or installer shall deliver or cause to be delivered any modular home to any site which, if required by local statute, does not prominently display a valid building permit issued for the construction of a residence on that site.H. It shall be the responsibility of each installer/transporter that transports or installs a modular home to submit a report, by fax or mail, to the Factory-Built Home Division of the State Fire Marshal's Office for all modular homes delivered or installed within seventy-two (72) hours of installation. The State Fire Marshal's Office will devise an acceptable form for reporting purposes for designated licensees as mentioned above. This report is required for modular homes that are transported or installed by an installer/transporter for someone other than a licensed retailer or modular home contractor or developer. The report must include:1. The retailer/modular home contractor/developer's name, license number, address, telephone number, and fax number;2. The installer/transporter's name, address, telephone number, and fax number;3. The installation decal number, soil density test results, and the class anchor used;4. The homeowner's name, address, telephone number, county where home is located, and date and time of installation;5. The serial number of home, size of home, wind speed, and the manufacturer of the home.6. Directions to the home; and7. A map showing directions to the home-site from a known starting point.I. An administrative fee will be charged for data plates in the amount that it costs this division to produce same. This division will provide the data plates to approved construction inspection agencies for certification that such modular homes, to the best of the manufacturer's knowledge and belief, conform to all applicable rules, regulations and safety standards. The data plate shall be affixed only at the end of the last stage of production.19 Miss. Code. R. 7-3.03.2
Miss. Code Ann. § 75-49-11 (Supp. 2013).