Section One:
(To be completed by the viatical settlement provider or viatical settlement broker)
Insurance Company Name of Employee/member
Employer/Policyholder name Insured's Date of Birth
Policy Number Insured's Social Security Number
Certificate Number Employee/Membership Number
Please provide the information requested in Section Two or Section Three, as appropriate, with regard to the individual and coverage described, in accordance with the attached authorization. In addition, please provide the forms checked below which are available from your company to complete a viatical settlement transaction:
Absolute Assignment
Change of Beneficiary (irrevocable if Applicable)
Disability Waiver of premium claim or
Disability Waiver of premium award letter
_________________________ ____________________________________
Date Signature of a representative of ViaticalSettlement Broker or Viatical Settlement Provider
Full name and address of Viatical Settlement Broker or Viatical Settlement Provider
Section Two:
(To be completed by the employer/group policyholder and the insurer. Both should indicate the parts they completed)
If by a group policy, please provide the name of the insurance company for BASIC life insurance coverage:
amount payable in addition to the face amount? no yes
BASIC?no yes What is the waiting period? ________________
SUPPLEMENTAL? no yes What is the waiting period? ________________
BASIC? no yes
BASIC? Insurance carrier Employer
SUPPLEMENTAL? Insurance carrier Employer
BASIC no yes
If yes, to a corporation? no yes
To someone not related to insured? no yes
If yes, to a corporation? no yes
To someone not related to insured? no yes
Group policyholder no yes
Third party administrator (if any) no yes
Insurance Company no yes
BASIC no yes
BASIC no yes
If master policy discontinues, what amount can be converted to an individual policy? $
Is this plan administered by a third party? no yes
If yes, please provide the name, address and telephone number of administrator:
Name_ _ ___________________________________ Title ____________________________
Company name: _____________________________ Department ______________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________________
(No P.O. Box, please)
City: ____________________________________ State ____________ ZIP _________________
Telephone number: (___) ____________________ Fax: (___) _____________________
If a change of beneficiary form or assignment were to be made for this coverage, to whom should the completed forms be sent?
Name_ _ ___________________________________ Title ____________________________
Company name: _____________________________ Department ______________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________________
(No P.O. Box please)
City: ____________________________________ State ____________ ZIP _________________
Telephone number: (___) ____________________ Fax: (___) _____________________
The answers provided reflect information in our files as of ________________________ (date)
Signature ___________________________________ Name __________________________
Date: ______________________________________ Title: __________________________
Company: ___________________________________________________
Direct telephone number :(___) ___________ Direct fax number: (___) _____________________
Information not provided by the employer may be obtained from the insurance company if different from administrator above:
Name_ _ ___________________________________ Title ____________________________
Company name: _____________________________ Department ______________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________________
(No P.O. Box please)
City: ____________________________________ State ____________ ZIP _________________
Telephone number: (___) ____________________ Fax: (___) _____________________
Section Three:
Under the terms of Mississippi Regulation 2000-1 covering insurance company practices, the insurance company or the third party administrator named above is requested to complete the information not provided by the employer in Section Two, above, Items number: ___________
The answers provided to the identified questions reflect information in the files of the insurance company as of ______________________ (date)
Signature ___________________________________ Name __________________________
Date: ______________________________________ Title: __________________________
Company: ___________________________________________________
Direct telephone number:(___) ____________ Direct fax number: () _________________
19 Miss. Code. R. 2-15.14