All Mississippi fire personnel eligible for state certification must meet the following criteria by the starting date of any MSCB approved minimum standard certification-training program:
Qualified Mississippi fire personnel shall be deemed certified by the MSCB under Miss. Code §§ 45-11-203 and 45-11-251 by presenting their IFSAC accredited NFPA Fire Fighter I and II credentials as issued by the Mississippi Fire Academy and a valid MSCB Personnel Action Form (MSCB Form #02). The executive fire officer or director of the local fire-fighting unit shall submit all required documentation to the MSCB within thirty (30) days following a candidate's successful completion of an approved minimum standards certification training program. The possession of any certificate other than one issued by the MSCB for NFPA 1001 Level I and II does not grant the holder automatic state minimum standard certification.
Upon verification of a candidate's credentials, a state certificate will be issued by the MSCB to the qualified fire fighter. Furthermore, the Board will maintain a registry of all Mississippi fire personnel certified under this and any previous certification system at its physical office location. All Board actions made in accordance with Miss. Code § 45-11-253 and their applicable dates will be noted in the registry. A printed copy of the Mississippi Fire Personnel Certification Registry will be published at the conclusion of each calendar year and made available for public review at the MSCB office. An additional printed copy will be transferred annually to the Mississippi State Archives for permanent storage.
19 Miss. Code. R. 101-1.07