18 Miss. Code. R. 7-1-V

Current through January 14, 2025
A.Admission Procedures:
1. The agency shall have written admission policy or procedures as follows:
a. List of the materials and forms required from the Department or placing parent(s)
b. Includes a written description of the internal acceptance process
c. Outlines placement change procedures for the child including notification of his/her parent(s) or guardian or the Department, if the child is in Department custody, and documentation to social worker prior to any placement change
d. Method used to assign a child to an appropriate group
e. Includes a method of determining whether the agency is equipped to adequately serve the child's needs
f. Pre-placement visit plan for the child to the agency as well as the date and outcome of the visit shall be documented in the child's record, if applicable
g. Placement cannot be made based on race, color or national origin
2. The agency shall accept only children within the age range of their license.
3. No child under 10 years of age shall be placed in a congregate care setting (including group homes and shelters) unless the child has exceptional needs that cannot be met in a relative or foster family home or the child is a member of a sibling group, and the Regional Director has granted express written approval for the congregate care placement. Sibling groups in which one or more of the siblings are under the age of 10 shall not be placed in congregate care settings for more than 45 days.
4. The facility shall not admit adult(s) as residents into child caring facilities.
B.Medical Information:

The agency shall obtain from the Department prior to admission:

1. The report of a medical examination of the child performed within 30 calendar days prior to admission. (In an emergency admission, the medical examination shall be performed within seven (7) working days) following the placement.
2. Written consent from the child's parent(s), guardian, or the Department for the executive director to authorize routine medical/dental procedures for the child, and to authorize emergency procedures when written consent cannot be obtained.
C.Orientation and Expectations:
1. The agency shall provide, prior to or at admission, an orientation to living in the facility for each child and the Department or parent(s).
2. The agency shall provide each child and the Department or parent(s) with a written list of rules governing the care of children including visitation plan, discipline policies, religious practices, and all other services available, including independent living services.
3. The agency shall provide a written description of procedures which the child and the Department or parent(s) may use to register complaints. The child desiring to make a complaint shall have access to the Department's worker(s) at all times for registering a complaint.
D.The Placement Agreement:

The placement agency shall have a signed agreement with the Department and/ or resource parent(s) which shall include:

1. A description of roles and responsibilities of all agencies and persons involved with the child in placement
2. Arrangements regarding visits, mail, telephone calls, vacations, gifts and family contact and involvement
3. The confidentiality statement regarding sharing information about the child signed by the Department's designee
4. Methods of payment for the child's care
5. The amount of the board payment and breakdown of child's allowances.

A copy of the signed agreement shall be placed in the child's record and a copy given to the Department and/or resource parent(s).

18 Miss. Code. R. 7-1-V