18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-G-X

Current through January 14, 2025

A biological parent whose parental rights have been terminated and who later adopts his/her biological child cannot receive Title IV-E Adoption Assistance.

The purpose of the Title IV-E Adoption Assistance is to provide assistance to adoptive families who adopt special needs children. A child cannot be considered a child with special needs, unless among other things, the state has determined the child cannot return to the home of his biological parents.

The child would be returned to the home of the biological parent and a determining factor for Title IV-E eligibility in section 473 (c)(1) would not be present. Assistance for eligible families in this situation could be TANF and/or SSI. (ACYF-PIQ-89-04 Issued 08-08-89).

When in the best interest of a child to do so, DFCS may assist the biological parent in the re-adoption of the child by making and supervising a trial home placement and making a recommendation to the court for placement and subsequent adoption. Mississippi College Law School Adoption Clinic may be able to assist the parent in finalizing this adoption.

Items needed for Private Licensed Child-Placing Agency to request adoption assistance.

The following items are needed in order to request certification for Adoption Assistance and/or non-recurring adoption expenses:

1. Document(s) which legally frees child for adoption and places custody with a licensed child placing agency.
2. Documentation of special needs (must be current - within the past six months) such as:
a. Psychological Evaluation
b. Medical Report
c. Reports from mental health professionals
d. Other documentation as determined by DFCS Adoption Unit
3. Birth Certificate (child must be under the age of 18 or 21 if SSI eligible).
4. Documentation of SSI eligibility (a copy of the most recent SSI award notice).
5. Date registered on the MARE.
6. Date featured on "Wednesday's Child" or other television recruitments.
7. Other recruitment efforts made to place without Adoption Assistance or documentation of strong emotional ties with foster parent who wishes to adopt and cannot adopt without adoption assistance.
8. Child's Social Security number.
9. Child's Medicaid number.

18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-G-X

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016