18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-II-IX

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-6-1-A-II-IX - SUPERVISION

County ASWSs are administratively responsible for DFCS operation, including clerical staff and Workers. This includes, but is not limited to, the following administrative responsibilities:

* Coordinate with county staff in other divisions to promote a positive work environment.

* Organize work space

* Supervise clerical staff

* Make periodic reviews of bookkeeping files

* Ensure workloads are equally distributed among all staff

* Schedule monthly staff meetings with all DFCS staff in the county

* Ensure accurate minutes of staff meetings are recorded

* Forward staff meeting minutes to RD with a copy filed in the Administrative File

* Ensure adequate coverage for office at all times

* Coordinate on-call schedule for county

* Apply data reports to improve client outcomes

* Meet DFCS' quality improvement and evaluation requirements

The following responsibilities are related to the supervision of county Workers:

* Delegating and overseeing work assignments

* Ensuring service delivery is performed according to DFCS' mission, policies and procedures and service philosophy.

* Providing case consultation and in-service training, as appropriate

* Identifying unmet training needs

* Conducting Performance Evaluations

* Providing the Field Training to newly hired staff

* Assisting Workers with transfer of learning from training to the job

* Providing support and enhancing staff's ability to perform their jobs

A.Case Record Review

Case records of all staff under the supervision of the ASWS shall be reviewed monthly, and more frequently as needed, to monitor the progress of families and individuals receiving services. After each case review, the ASWS will provide feedback to the Worker.

B.Individual Conferences with Workers

Weekly individual conferences shall be held with each staff member under the supervision of the ASWS. These conferences must be documented in a log kept by the supervisor and shall be used to staff a portion of the Worker's workload each week to ensure all children and families are receiving needed services, continual progress is being made showing that cases and investigations are current.

In addition to the cases selected, the Worker should be allowed to discuss other cases with current issues.

C.Supervisory Administrative Review

In order to meet the requirements of MISS CODE ANN. § 43-15-13(3), a mandatory Supervisory Administrative Review (SAR), shall be completed by the COR Supervisor of all cases within 90 days after opening such cases, regardless of the service type.

In developing the SAR, Section 103(E) of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 was taken into consideration as it speaks to children who have been in custody 15 of the most recent 22 months. A petition to terminate parental rights shall be filed on these children unless it is determined that there are compelling reasons why such filing is not in the best interest of the child. In order to capture outcomes on these children, a second SAR is mandatory when the child has been in custody 15 months. If a Prevention or Protection case remains open for 15 months, the Supervisor shall review cases to determine why the case remains open.

The COR ASWS shall be responsible for completing the SAR on all open cases regardless of the service type within his/her county. The dates for completing this review will be determined by the custody start date for placement cases and by the case start date on non-custody cases.

The tickler for the SAR will be specific to the individual person in the case to keep up with the time frames for completing the SAR. This is done to correctly capture each person as they enter and exit a case. To begin the SAR, the Supervisor will receive a tickler that the review is due. The ticklers will generate as discussed below.

D.Custody and Non Custody Cases

Initial SAR -

1.Initial SAR - Shall be completed within 90 days from the date of custody or case start date.

* The ASWS will receive a tickler at 60 days from the custody start date that the SAR is due.

* The ASWS will have 30 days to complete the SAR

* If the SAR is not completed within 30 days from the date of the tickler, the RD will receive a tickler that the SAR is due and the ASWS will get an alert that the SAR is overdue.

2.15th Month SAR - Shall be completed within 456 days from the custody or case start date.

* The ASWS will receive a tickler at 425 days from the custody start date that a SAR is due

* If the SAR is not completed within 30 days from the date of the tickler, the RD will receive a tickler that the SAR is due and the ASWS will get an alert that the SAR is overdue

3.Subsequent SAR

* Subsequent SARs shall be completed every 12 months following the 15 month SAR.

18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-II-IX

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016