18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.8

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-2.8 - Goals for the next Biennium

In this section, Lead Agencies are asked to identify at least one goal for the upcoming biennium and are encouraged to identify no more than five priority goals total. ACF will target technical assistance efforts to help Lead Agencies achieve their goal(s). Lead Agencies may include existing goals (e.g., already identified in a State strategic plan or established by the Governor for a Lead Agency). Lead Agencies will report progress and updates on these goals in the annual Quality Performance Report (Appendix 1), including any barriers encountered.

What are the Lead Agency's goals for the administration of the CCDF subsidy program in the coming Biennium? For example, what progress does the State/Territory expect to make on continuing improved services to parents and providers, continuity of care for children, improving outreach to parents and providers, building or expanding information technology systems, or revising rate setting policies or practices).

Note When identifying your goals below, Lead Agencies are encouraged to begin with an action verb reflecting the desired result over the two year period (e.g., Increase, Improve, Build, Align, Implement, Review, Revise, Streamline, Expand, etc.)

Goal 1 Review provider reimbursement rates and co-payments to determine if changes are possible that allow the Lead Agency to increase certificate distribution.

Goal 2 Build a website that will provide information to parents regarding services and provider selection, including those needing information in languages other than English.

Goal 3 Expand the automation of administrative processes to streamline workflow processes and allow for additional focus on customer service.

Goal 4 Build an online application for service that aligns with other agency services to reduce the burden on applicants.

Goal 5 Increase reports from CCIS to ensure subsidies are reaching clients as quickly and accurately as possible.

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.8