18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-2.5 - Prioritizing Services for Eligible Children and Families

At a minimum, CCDF requires Lead Agencies to give priority for child care assistance to children with special needs, or in families with very low incomes. Prioritization of CCDF assistance services is not limited to eligibility determination (i.e., establishment of a waiting list or ranking of eligible families in priority order to be served). Lead Agencies may fulfill priority requirements in other ways such as higher payment rates for providers caring for children with special needs or waiving co-payments for families with very low incomes (at or below the federal poverty level). (658E(c)(3)(B), § 98.44)

2.5.1. How will the Lead Agency prioritize child care services to children with special needs or in families with very low incomes? (658E(c)(3)(B), § 98.44)

Lead Agencies have the discretion to define children with special needs and children in families with very low incomes. Lead Agencies are not limited in defining children with special needs to only those children with physical or mental disabilities (e.g., with a formal Individual Education Plan (IEP) required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)). Lead Agencies could consider children in the child welfare system, children of teen parents, or homeless children as examples of children with special needs.

How will the Lead Agency prioritize CCDF services for:Eligibility Priority (Check only one)Is there a time limit on the eligibility priority or guarantee?Other Priority Rules

Children with special needs

Provide the Lead Agency definition ofChildren with Special Needs Special Needs rates may be applied for children through the age of 18 who meet the SSI definition of disability by having medically proven physical or mental condition(s) that cause marked and severe functional limitations expected to last at least 12 months in duration and render the child(ren) incapable of self-care. The condition(s) must be documented by a physician. In the absence of SSI benefits, medical documentation should attest to the degree of functional limitation(s) and prescribe the special care needed.

* Priority over other CCDF-eligible families

[] Same priority as other CCDF-eligible families

[] Guaranteed subsidy eligibility

[] Other. Describe

[] Yes. The time limit is:_______

* No

[] Different eligibility thresholds. Describe_______

* Higher rates for providers caring for children with special needs requiring additional care

[] Prioritizes quality funds for providers serving these children

[] Other.


Children in families with very low incomes

Provide the Lead Agency definition ofChildren in Families with Very Low Incomes Income at or below the 50 percent of the State Median Income (SMI).

* Priority over other CCDF-eligible families

[] Same priority as other CCDF-eligible families

[] Guaranteed subsidy eligibility

[] Other. Describe

[] Yes. The time limit is:

( No

[] Different eligibility thresholds. Describe_____

[] Waiving co-payments for families with incomes at or below the Federal Poverty Level

* Other.

Describe None

2.5.2. How will CCDF funds be used to provide child care assistance to meet the needs of families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), those attempting to transition off TANF through work activities, and those at risk of becoming dependent on TANF?

(658E(c)(2)(H), Section 418(b)(2) of the Social Security Act, §§ 98.50(e), 98.16(g)(4))

Reminder - CCDF requires that not less than 70 percent of CCDF Mandatory and Matching funds be used to provide child care assistance for families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), those attempting to transition off TANF through work activities, and those at risk of becoming dependent on TANF.

* Use priority rules to meet the needs of TANF families (describe in 2.5.1 or 2.5.3.)

* Waive fees (co-payments) for some or all TANF families who are below poverty level

[] Coordinate with other entities (i.e. TANF office, other State/Territory agencies, and contractors)

[] Other:______

2.5.3. List and define any other eligibility conditions, priority rules and definitions that will be established by the Lead Agency. (658E(c)(3)(B), § 98.16(g)(5), § 98.20(b))

Reminder Lead Agencies are reminded that any eligibility criteria and terms provided below must comply with the eligibility requirements of § 98.20 and provided in section 2.2. Any priority rules provided must comply with the priority requirements of § 98.44 and provided in section 2.4.1.


18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.5