18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-1.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-1.6 - Child Care Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

It is recommended, but not required, that each Lead Agency develop a plan to address preparedness, response, and recovery efforts specific to child care services and programs. Plans should cover the following areas: 1) planning for continuation of services to CCDF families; 2) coordination with other State/Territory agencies and key partners; 3) emergency preparedness regulatory requirements for child care providers; 4) provision of temporary child care services after a disaster; and 5) rebuilding child care after a disaster. For further guidance on developing Child Care Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans see the Information Memorandum (CCDF-ACF-IM-2011-01) located on the Office of Child Care website.

1.6.1. Indicate which of the following best describes the current status of your efforts in this area. Check only ONE.

[] Planning. Indicate whether steps are under way to develop a plan. If so, describe the time frames for completion and/or implementation, the steps anticipated and how the plan will be coordinated with other emergency planning efforts within the State/Territory.

* Developed. A plan has been developed as of 03/01/2009 and put into operation as of 03/01/2009, if available. Provide a web address for this plan, if available: www.mdhs.state.ms.us/eccd_providers1

[] Other. Describe:_______

1.6.2. Indicate which of the core elements identified in the Information Memorandum are or will be covered in the Lead Agency child care emergency preparedness and response plan.

Check which elements, if any, the Lead Agency includes in the plan.

* Planning for continuation of services to CCDF families

* Coordination with other State/Territory agencies and key partners

* Emergency preparedness regulatory requirements for child care providers

* Provision of temporary child care services after a disaster

[] Restoring or rebuilding child care facilities and infrastructure after a disaster

[] None

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-1.6