18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-1.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-1.4 - Consultation in the Development of the CCDF Plan

Lead Agencies are required to consult with appropriate agencies in the development of its CCDF Plan (§ 98.12, § 98.14(a),(b), § 98.16(d)).

Definition: Consultation involves the meeting with or otherwise obtaining input from an appropriate agency in the development of the State or Territory CCDF Plan. At a minimum, Lead Agencies must consult with representatives of general purpose local governments. (§§ 98.12(b), 98.14(a)(1))

1.4.1. Identify and describe in the table below who the Lead Agency consulted with in the development of the CCDF Plan (658D(b)(2), §§ 98.12(b), 98.14(b)).

Agency/EntityDescribe how the Lead Agency consulted with this Agency/entity in developing the CCDF Plan

Representatives of general purpose local government (required)

This may include, but is not limited to: representatives from counties and municipalities, local human service agencies, local education representatives (e.g., school districts), or local public health agencies.

MDHS DECCD consulted with representatives from the County Board of Supervisors, Cities, towns, and municipalities. Some examples are the City of Jackson, Hancock County Board of Supervisors and the City of Starkville to obtain input on the development of the Mississippi State Plan and other policies and procedures relating to child care. Coordination involves child care and early childhood development services, utilizing certified spending offered by local or county government, state agencies, and municipalities as match for CCDF funds.
For the remaining agencies, check and describe (optional) any which the Lead Agency has chosen to consult with in the development of its CCDF Plan.

State/Territory agency responsible for public education

This may include, but is not limited to, State/Territory pre-kindergarten programs (if applicable), programs serving school-age children (including 21st Century Community Learning Centers), or higher education.

Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.

State/Territory agency responsible for programs for children with special needs

This may include, but is not limited to: State/Territory early intervention programs authorized under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Part C for infants and toddlers and Section 619 for preschool), or other State/Territory agencies that support children with special needs

Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.
* State/Territory agency responsible for licensing (if separate from the Lead Agency) Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.
* State/Territory agency with the Head Start Collaboration grant Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.
* Statewide Advisory Council authorized by the Head Start Act All members of the Council were provided with the link to the draft State Plan in order to collect feedback and input on finalizing its development.
* Other Federal, State, local, Tribal (if applicable), and/or private agencies providing early childhood and school-age/youth-serving developmental services Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.
[] State/Territory agency responsible for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
* State/Territory agency responsible for implementing the Maternal and Early Childhood Home Visitation programs grant The Lead Agency is the recipient of these funds.
* State/Territory agency responsible for public health (including the agency responsible for immunizations and programs that promote children's emotional and mental health) Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.
* State/Territory agency responsible for child welfare Copies of the draft were provided to the Director of MDHS Division of Family & Children's Services for comments and recommendations.
[] State/Territory liaison for military child care programs or other military child care representatives
[] State/Territory agency responsible for employment services/workforce development
* State/Territory agency responsible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Copies of the draft were provided to the Director of MDHS Division of Field Operations for comments and recommendations.

Indian Tribes/Tribal Organizations

[] N/A: No such entities exist within the boundaries of the State

Copies of the draft State Plan were provided to the Tribla Organization for comments and recommendations. The Lead Agency met with representatives of the Tribe to discuss changes and requirement of State Plan submission.
[] Private agencies/entities including national initiatives that the Lead Agency is participating in such as BUILD, Strengthening Families, Mott Statewide After-school Networks, Ready by 21 The State Administrator attended two meetings hosted by BUILD in which various policy initiatives were discussed.
* Provider groups, associations or labor organizations Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.
[] Parent groups or organizations
* Local community organizations and institutions(child care resource and referral, Red Cross) Representatives are members of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. All Council members were provided with copies of the draft State Plan for their comments and recommendations.
[] Other

1.4.2. Describe the Statewide/Territory-wide public hearing process held to provide the public an opportunity to comment on the provision of child care services under this Plan. (658D(b)(1)(C), § 98.14(c))

At a minimum, the description should include:

a) Date(s) of notice of public hearing: 05/21/2013

Reminder - Must be at least 20 days prior to the date of the public hearing.

b) How was the public notified about the public hearing?

The notice was placed on the Lead Agency's website on 05/21/2013. An email notice was sent to SECAC members on 05/22/2013. An ad ran in 12 newspapers across the state on 05/28/2013 and 06/04/2013

c) Date(s) of public hearing(s): 06/17/2013

Reminder - Must be no earlier than 9 months before effective date of Plan (October 1, 2013).

d) Hearing site(s): Mississippi Public Broadcasting


3825 Ridgewood Road

Jackson, MS 39211

e) How was the content of the Plan made available to the public in advance of the public hearing(s)?

A draft of the Plan was made available to all parties throught the Lead Agency's website.

f) How will the information provided by the public be taken into consideration in the provision of child care services under this Plan?

All comments received from the public will be compiled and reviewed by the State Administrator. Any comments that can support the strengthening of the Plan will be incorporated where possible.

1.4.3. Describe any strategies used by the Lead Agency to increase public consultation on the Plan or access to the public hearing.

For example, translating the public hearing notice into multiple languages, using a variety of sites or technology (e.g., video) for the public hearing, holding the hearing at times to accommodate parent and provider work schedules.

Based on the Lead Agency's experience with holding public hearings, those meetings held in the afternoon have produced the greatest turnout. The public hearing to collect comments from interested parties is scheduled from 1:00-4:00 PM in order to offer adequate time for response. The Lead Agency also solicited comments on the Plan from interested parties through email. This address was posted on the Lead Agency's website and in newspapers.

In accordance with the Mississippi Secretary of State's Office, the Lead Agency will hold an additional hearing on the State Plan, as per usual filing procedures. At the time of Plan submission, this meeting is scheduled for September 23, 2013 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM at the Hinds County Extension Service Office in Jackson, Mississippi.

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-1.4