18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-1.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-5-1-1.2 - Estimated Funding
1.2.1. What is your expected level of funding for the first year of the FY 2014 - FY 2015 plan period?

The Lead Agency estimates that the following amounts will be available for child care services and related activities during the 1-year period from October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014. (§ 98.13(a)).

FY 2014 Federal CCDF allocation (Discretionary, Mandatory and Matching):

$55,376,741 (estimate includes Targeted Funds)

Federal TANF Transfer to CCDF: $Amount pending budget allocation

Direct Federal TANF Spending on Child Care: $0.00

State CCDF Maintenance-of-Effort Funds: $1,715,430

State Matching Funds: $5,467,153

Reminder Lead Agencies are reminded that not more than 5 percent of the aggregate CCDF funds, including federal funds and required State Matching funds, shall be expended on administration costs (§ 98.52) once all FY2014 funds have been liquidated. State Maintenance-of-Effort funds are not subject to this limitation.

1.2.2. Which of the following funds does the Lead Agency intend to use to meet the CCDF Matching and maintenance-of-effort (MOE) requirements described in 98.53(e) and 98.53(h)?

Check all that apply. Territories not required to meet CCDF Matching and MOE requirements should mark

[] N/A here.

Note: The Lead Agency must check at least public and/or private funds as matching, even if pre-kindergarten (pre-k) funds also will be used.

* Public funds to meet the CCDF Matching Fund requirement. Public funds may include any general revenue funds, county or other local public funds, State/Territory-specific funds (tobacco tax, lottery), or any other public funds. If checked, identify source of funds: State General Fund and fees/funds collected by the Mississippi Department of Health for licensing and regulatory infractions. These funds collected consiste of license application and renewal fees.

If known, identify the estimated amount of public funds the Lead Agency will receive: $7.6 M

* Private donated funds to meet the CCDF Matching Funds requirement. Only private funds received by the designated entities or by the Lead Agency may be counted for match purposes. (98.53(f))

If checked, are those funds:

[] donated directly to the State?

* donated to a separate entity(ies) designated to receive private donated funds?

If checked, identify the number of entities designated to receive private donated funds and provide name, address, contact, and type

Children's Defense Fund

Southern Regional Office Headquarters

2659 Livingston Road, Suite 200

Jackson, MS 39213

Director, Oleta Fitzgerald



Non-profit Agency

If known, identify the estimated amount of private donated funds the Lead Agency will receive: $_Exact figure depends on availability of funds, if utilized to draw down additional federal funding.

[] State expenditures for pre-k programs to meet the CCDF Matching Funds requirement. If checked,

Provide the estimated percentage of Matching Fund requirement that will be met with pre-k expenditures (not to exceed 30%):______

If percentage is more than 10% of the Matching fund requirement, describe how the State will coordinate its pre-k and child care services:______

If known, identify the estimated amount of pre-k funds the Lead Agency will receive for Matching Funds requirement: $______

Describe the Lead Agency efforts to ensure that pre-k programs meet the needs of working parents:______

[] State expenditures for pre-k programs to meet the CCDF Maintenance of Effort (MOE) requirements. If checked,

[] The Lead Agency assures that its level of effort in full-day/full-year child care services has not been reduced, pursuant to 98.53(h)(1).

Estimated percentage of MOE Fund requirement that will be met with pre-k expenditures (not to exceed 20%):_____

If percentage is more than 10% of the MOE requirement, describe how the State will coordinate its pre-k and child care services to expand the availability of child care:___

If known, identify the estimated amount of pre-k funds the Lead Agency will receive for MOE Fund requirement: $___

Describe the Lead Agency efforts to ensure that pre-k programs meet the needs of working parents:___

1.2.3 Describe the activities for which quality funds (including targeted quality funds for infants and toddlers, school-age children, and resource and referral) will be used in FY 2014 - 2015. Note: Funding estimate is limited to FY 2014. In as much detail possible, list the activities that will be funded, the estimated amount of CCDF quality funds that will be used for each activity, and how these activities relate to the Lead Agency's overall goal of improving the quality of child care for low-income children.

Estimated Amount of CCDF Quality Funds For FY 2014Activity (Lead Agency should include description of quality activities that cover FY 2014 and also information about activities for FY 2015, if available)PurposeProjected Impact and Anticipated Results (if possible)
Infant/Toddler Targeted Funds $1,500,000

Activities funded with Infant/Toddler Targeted funds include

A) the provision of child care at job centers for parents seeking employment;

B) a portion of child care licensure activities;

C) on-site training and technical assistance to unlicensed family child care providers; and

D) a pilot QRIS program for unlicensed family child care providers.

A) This program provides child care services for individuals engaged in job search activities at a local WIN Job Center.

B) A portion of the Division of Child Care Licensure, MS Department of Health is funded with these targeted funds

C) This program provides educational training and technical assistance to unlicensed in-home and family daycare childcare providers that offer fullday, full-year child care services to eligible families.

D) This program assesses the level of quality of participating unlicensed family child care homes.

A) The Lead Agency anticipates that this program will support parents in gaining employment, thereby increasing family stability and self-sufficiency.

B) The Lead Agency anticipates that the application of rules and regulations governing child care centers will support the provision of safe care environments for all children enrolled.

C) The Lead Agency anticipates that this program will result in higher quality care in unlicensed family child care homes.

D) The Lead Agency anticipates that this program will evaluate the level of care offered in unlicensed family child care homes, and support increases in program quality.

School-Age/Child Care Resource and Referral Targeted Funds $273,000 Activities funded with School Age Targeted Funds include a pilot Out-of-school QRIS program. This program assesses the level of quality of participating programs serving school-aged children. The Lead Agency anticipates that this program will evaluate the leve of care offered in programs serving school-aged children, and support increases in program quality.
Quality Expansion Targeted Funds $2,600,000

Activities funded with Quality Expansion Targeted Funds include

A) on-site training and technical assistance; and

B) project-based programming for school-aged children.

A) These programs offer on-site training and technical assistance to all staff in licensed childcare centers in the areas of classroom/instructional quality, nutrition & physical activity, administration and leadership skills.

B) This program offers quality programming for school-aged children with a community-based approach.

A) The Lead Agency anticipates that these programs will support lasting changes leading to adoption of best practices and increased quality of care.

B) The Lead Agency anticipates that this program will offer a rich educational program that expands children's knowledge and increases their skills in a variety of areas.

Quality Funds (not including Targeted Funds)

Activities funded with Quality Funds include

A) professional development;

B) training and technical assistance for children with special needs; and

C) a portion of child care licensure activities.

A) These programs offer professional development opportunities for child care program staff and directors including CDA and other professional credentials and professional conferences.

B) This program offers training and technical assistance, including a professional credential for child care staff regarding inclusion of children with special needs.

C) A portion of the Division of Child Care Licensure, MS Department of Health is funded with these targeted funds.

A) The Lead Agency anticipates that these programs will increase the educational level of child care staff, and overall professional development. In addition, a series of professional development conferences designed to support continued education.

B) The Lead Agency anticipates that this program will increase competency of child care providers in addressing the needs of children with special needs.

C) The Lead Agency anticipates that the application of rules and regulations governing child care centers will support the provision of safe care environments for all children enrolled.

1.2.4 Will the Lead Agency distribute quality funds to counties or local entities?

Note: This question is to obtain information on whether the Lead Agency retains decision making responsibilities regarding the quality dollars at the State/Territory level or if funds are distributed to local entities.

Does the State maintain decisions at the State level, or are funds distributed to locals that have some decisions on how funds are spent.

* No, the Lead Agency will not distribute any quality funds directly to local entities

[] Yes, all quality funds will be distributed to local entities

[] Yes, the Lead Agency will distribute a portion of quality funds directly to local entities. Estimated amount or percentage to be distributed to localities______

* Other. Describe. The Lead Agency does have slot contractors in place that receive subsidy funds in reimbursement of care provided as a function of their contract.

18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-1.2