Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 5, ch. 1, app 18-5-1-1

Current through January 14, 2025

This annual report will be submitted to ACF no later than December 31, 2014 and will reflect the period October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014. Lead Agencies will leave this report blank when the Plan is initially submitted.

In this report, Lead Agencies are asked about the State/Territory's progress in meetings its goals as reported in the FY 2014-2015 CCDF Plan, and provide available data on the results of those activities. At a minimum, Lead Agencies are expected to respond to the first question in each section of the Quality Performance Report (QPR) which asks for their progress toward meeting their goal(s) articulated in Part 2 and Part 3 of the CCDF Plan for this Biennium.

Because of the flexibility in administering the CCDF program, it is expected that Lead Agencies may not have information and data available to respond to all questions. A Describe box is provided for each question for Lead Agencies to provide descriptive context for data reported and narrative updates in each data section, including any plans for reporting data in the future, if actual data is not currently available or if specific questions are not applicable. Lead Agencies may use data collected by other agencies and entities (e.g., CCR&R agencies or other contractors) as appropriate. The term Lead Agency is used in questions when the data relate to a CCDF-specific activity, otherwise the term State/Territory is used when another entity may be responsible or involved with an activity (e.g., licensing).

The purpose of this annual report is to capture State/Territory progress on improving the quality of child care. Specifically, this report will:

* Provide a national assessment of State's and Territory's progress toward improving the quality of child care, including a focus on program quality and child care workforce quality;

* Track State's and Territory's annual progress toward meeting high quality indicators and benchmarks, including those that they set for themselves in their CCDF Plans and those that are of interest to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in measuring CCDF program performance;

* Assist national and State/Territory technical assistance efforts to help States/Territories make strategic use of quality funds; and Assist with program accountability

This report collects progress on the five goals identified in Part 2 and Part 3 of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan for FY2014-2015 along with key data in relation to the four components of child care quality used as a quality framework in Part 3 of the Child Care and Development Fund Plan for FY 2014-2015:

1. Ensuring health and safety of children through licensing and health and safety standards

2. Establishing early learning guidelines

3. Creating pathways to excellence for child care programs through program quality improvement activities

4. Creating pathways to an effective, well-supported child care workforce through professional development systems and workforce initiatives.

Ensuring the Health and Safety of Children (Component #1)

In this section, Lead Agencies provide information on the minimum health and safety standards and activities in effect over the past year as of September 30, 2014.

A1.1 Progress on Overall Goals

Based on the goals described in the Lead Agency's CCDF Plan at Section 3.1.7, please report your progress using the chart below.

You may include any significant areas of progress that were not anticipated in the Plan, as well. For each goal listed, briefly describe the improvement with specific examples or numeric targets where possible ( e.g., revised licensing regulation to include elements related to SIDS prevention, lowered caseload of licensing staff to 1:50, or increased monitoring visits to twice annually for child care centers). If applicable, describe any barriers to implementing your planned goals.

Goals Described in FY 2014-2015 CCDF PlanDescribe Progress Include Examples and Numeric Targets where Possible

Note: If your licensing standards changed during this period, please provide a brief summary of the major changes and submit the updated regulations to the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care.

A1.2 Key Data

OCC is collecting this information as one part of our overall effort to better understand States/Territories' activities to improve the quality of child care. OCC recognizes that the data requested in this report will only provide part of that picture because there are many factors which affect the data being collected here and that some data requested may be collected by another agency or entity other than the Lead Agency. Each State/Territory's policy context and priorities and standards will play a role in the way that quality improvement activities are developed and implemented. For example, the number of programs with licensing violations will be affected by how stringent the licensing standards are. States with more stringent standards may be more likely to report more violations than those with less stringent licensing standards. OCC intends to work with the States/Territories to gather any additional contextual information necessary in order to fully understand the context of these data for any reporting activities involving this information.

A1.2.1 Number of Programs

a) How many licensed center-based programs operated in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2014?

[] N/A


b) How many licensed home-based programs operated in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2014?

[] N/A


c) Does the State/Territory have data on the number of programs operating in the State/Territory that are legally exempt from licensing? At a minimum, the Lead Agency should provide the number of legally exempt providers serving children receiving CCDF.

[] Yes. If yes, include the number of programs as of September 30, 2014 and describe___ (Use the Describe Box to provide the universe of programs on which the number is based)

[] No. Describe:___

A1.2.2 Number and Frequency of Monitoring Visits

For licensed programs, a monitoring visit is an onsite visit by department personnel to a licensed child care program with the goal of ensuring compliance with licensing regulations. This may include initial licensing determination visits, licensing renewal visits, periodic announced or unannounced visits, and visits made after a complaint is lodged. For legally exempt providers, a monitoring visit is an onsite visit to a child care program with the goal of ensuring compliance with health and safety standards as defined by CCDF and required for receipt of CCDF funds. Use the Describe box to provide your State/Territory monitoring visit requirement.

a) How many licensed center-based programs received at least one monitoring visit between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014?

a-1) Of those programs visited, how many were unannounced?

a-2) Of those programs visited, how many were triggered by a complaint or identified risk?

a-3) What percentage of required visits for licensed center-based program were completed?

[] N/A


b) How many licensed family child care programs received at least one monitoring visit between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014?___

b-1) Of those programs visited, how many were unannounced?______

b-2) Of those programs visited, how many were triggered by a complaint or identified risk?________

b-3) What percentage of required visits for licensed family child care programs were completed?____

[] N/A


c) How many legally exempt providers receiving CCDF received at least one monitoring visit between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014? Of those,

c-1) Of those programs visited, how many were unannounced?______

c-2) Of those programs visited, how many were triggered by a complaint or identified risk?_______

c-3) What percentage of required visits for legally exempt providers were completed?___

[] N/A


A1.2.3 Number of Licensing Suspensions, Licensing Revocations and Terminations from CCDF

Suspension of license includes any enforcement action that requires the temporary suspension of child care services because of licensing violations. Revocation of license includes termination or non-renewal of licensure and any other enforcement action that requires the closure of a program because of licensing violations.

How many programs had their licenses suspended due to licensing violations as defined in your State/Territory during the last fiscal year? How many programs had their licenses revoked due to licensing violations as defined in your State/Territory during the last fiscal year? How many programs were terminated from participation in CCDF due to failure to meet licensing or minimum CCDF health and safety requirements during the last fiscal year? N/ADescribe
ChildCareCenters ______ ________ __________[]________
Group Child Care Homes _____ ________________[]_______
Family Child Care Homes ____ _____ ______ [] _______
In-Home Providers _________ _____ _______ [] ________

A1.2.5 How many previously license-exempt providers were brought under the licensing system during the last fiscal year?____

[] N/A


A1.2.6 How many injuries as defined by the State/Territory occurred in child care during the last year?

Please provide your definition of injuries in the Describe box and indicate the universe of programs on which the number is based (e.g., licensed providers, CCDF providers, or all providers).

[] N/A


A1.2.7 How many fatalities occurred in child care or as the result of a child care accident or injury as of the end of the last year?

Please indicate the universe of programs on which the number is based (e.g., licensed providers, CCDF providers, or all providers). _______

[] N/A


Establishing Early Learning Guidelines (Component #2)

A2.1 Progress on Overall Goals

A2.1.1 Did the State/Territory make any changes to its voluntary early learning guidelines (including guidelines for school-age children) as reported in 3.2 during the last fiscal year?

[] Yes. Describe____

[] No

A2.1.2 Based on the goals described in the Lead Agency's CCDF Plan at Section 3.2.8, please report your progress.

You may include any significant areas of progress that that were not anticipated in the Plan, as well. For each goal listed, briefly describe the improvement with specific examples or numeric targets where possible (e.g., Expanded the number of programs trained on using the ELG's, Aligned the ELG's with Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework). If applicable, describe any barriers to implementing your planned goals.

Goals Described in FY 2014-2015 CCDF PlanDescribe Progress Include Examples and Numeric Targets where Possible

A2.2 Key Data

OCC is collecting this information as one part of our overall effort to better understanding State/Territory activities to improve the quality of child care. OCC recognizes that the data requested in this report will only provide part of that picture because there are many factors which affect the data being collected here. Each State/Territory's policy context and priorities and standards will play a role in the way that quality improvement activities are developed and implemented. OCC intends to work with the States/Territories to gather any additional contextual information necessary in order to fully understand the context of these data for any reporting activities involving this information.

A2.2.1a How many individuals were trained on early learning guidelines (ELG's) or standards over the last fiscal year?

Responses to this question should be consistent with information provided in question 3.2.3 in the CCDF Plan.

Provider CategoriesBirth toThree ELG'sThree-to-Five ELG'sFive and Older ELG'sN/ADescribe
How many teachers/practitioners in center-based programs were trained on ELG's over the past year? Separate by age group if possible (e.g., infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children) ____________[]_____
How many family child care providers were trained on ELG's over the past year? Separate by age group if possible (e.g., infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children) ____________[]_____
How many legally exempt providers were trained on ELG's over the past year? Separate by age group if possible (e.g., infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children) ____________[]_____

A2.2.1b How many children are served in programs implementing the ELG's?

Refer to question 3.2.4 in the CCDF Plan for examples of how ELG's can be implemented in programs. Program capacity can be used as an estimate of children served.

Provider CategoriesBirth toThree ELG'sThree-to-Five ELG'sFive and Older ELG'sN/ADescribe
How many children are served in center-based programs implementing the ELG's? Separate by age group if possible (e.g., infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children) _____ _____ _____ [] _____
How many children are served in family child care program implementing the ELG's? Separate by age group if possible (e.g., infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children) _____ _____ _____ [] _____
How many children are served in legally exempt programs implementing the ELG's? Separate by age group if possible (e.g., infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children) _____ _____ _____ [] _____

Pathways to Excellence for Child Care Programs through Program Quality Improvement Activities (Component #3)

A3.1 Progress on Overall Goals

A3.1.1 Based on the goals described in the Lead Agency's CCDF Plan at Section 3.3.9, please report your progress.

You may include any significant areas of progress that that were not anticipated in the Plan, as well. For each goal listed, briefly describe the improvement with specific examples or numeric targets where possible (e.g., Expanded the number of programs included in the QRIS, Aligned the QRIS standards with Head Start performance standards, or expanded the number of programs with access to an on-site quality consultant). If applicable, describe any barriers to implementing your planned goals.

Goals Described in FY 2014-2015 CCDF PlanDescribe Progress Include Examples and Numeric Targets where Possible

A3.2 Key Data

OCC is collecting this information as one part of our overall effort to better understanding State/Territory activities to improve the quality of child care. OCC recognizes that the data requested in this report will only provide part of that picture because there are many factors which affect the data being collected here. Each State/Territory's policy context and priorities and standards will play a role in the way that quality improvement activities are developed and implemented. OCC intends to work with the States/Territories to gather any additional contextual information necessary in order to fully understand the context of these data for any reporting activities involving this information.

A3.2.1 Number of Program Receiving Targeted Technical Assistance

Targeted technical assistance is technical assistance (coaching, mentoring and consultation) that is designed to address a particular domain/area of quality. Responses in this section should be consistent with responses provided in question 3.3.2 in the CCDF Plan which focuses on targeted technical assistance to programs (rather than practitioners) that is intended for moving programs to higher levels of quality.

a) How many programs received targeted technical assistance during the last fiscal year (October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014)?_____

[] N/A


b) If possible, report the number of programs who received targeted technical assistance in the following areas:

Health and safety__

Infant and toddler care___

School-age care____


Teaching dual language learners____

Understanding developmental screenings and/or observational assessment tools for program improvement purposes____

Mental health____

Business management practices_____

[] N/A


A3.2.2 Number of Programs Receiving Financial Supports

Responses to this question should be consistent with responses provided in question 3.3.3 of the CCDF Plan. Financial supports must be intended to reward, improve, or sustain quality. They can include grants, cash, reimbursements, gift cards, or purchases made to benefit a program. This includes tiered reimbursements for CCDF subsidies. One-time grants, awards, or bonuses include any kind of financial support that a program can receive only once. On-going or periodic quality stipends include any kind of financial support intended to reward, improve, or sustain quality that a program can receive more than once.

a) How many programs received one-time, grants, awards or bonuses?

Child Care Centers________

[] N/A


Family Child Care Homes_____

[] N/A


b) How many programs received on-going or periodic quality stipends?

Child Care Centers____

[] N/A


Family Child Care Homes______

[] N/A


A3.2.3 Number of Eligible Programs for State/Territory QRIS or Other Quality Improvement System

a) What is the total number of eligible child care centers for QRIS ____ OR Other Quality Improvement System?_______

[] N/A


b) What is the total number of eligible family child care homes for QRIS_____ OR Other Quality Improvement System?

[] N/A


c) What is the total number of eligible license-exempt providers for QRIS _______OR Other Quality Improvement System?

[] N/A


A3.2.4 Number and Percentage of Programs Participating in State/Territory QRIS or Other Quality Improvement System

a) Of the total number eligible as reported in A3.2.3, what is the total number and percentage of child care center programs in the State/Territory that participate in the State/Territory QRIS or other quality improvement system for programs over the last fiscal year?

Number of Child Care Centers Participating in QRIS____ OR Other Quality Improvement System____

Percentage of Child Care Centers Participating in QRIS______ OR Other Quality Improvement System______

[] N/A


b) Of the total number eligible as reported in A3.2.3, what is the total number and percentage of family child care programs in the State/Territory that participate in the State/Territory QRIS or other quality improvement system for programs over the last fiscal year?

Number of Family Child Care Homes QRIS_______ OR Other Quality Improvement System

Percentage of Family Child Care Homes QRIS________ OR Other Quality Improvement System

[] N/A


c) Of the total number eligible as reported in A3.2.3, what is the total number and percentage of license-exempt programs in the State/Territory that participate in the State/Territory QRIS or other quality improvement system for programs over the last fiscal year?

Number of License-Exempt Providers QRIS_____ OR Other Quality Improvement System

Percentage of License-Exempt Providers QRIS_____ OR Other Quality Improvement System

[] N/A


A3.2.5. Number of Programs at Each Level of Quality

For each type of care, provide the total number of quality levels and the number of programs at that level of the total number of participating as reported in A3.2.4. Describe metric if other than QRIS, such as accreditation.

Number of levels of quality Number of programs at each level N/A Describe
Child Care Centers ___ [] ____
Family Child Care Homes _____ [] ______
License-Exempt Providers _____ [] ______

A3.2.6 Number of Programs Who Moved Up or Down within QRIS

If quality threshold is something other than QRIS, describe the metric used, such as accreditation. These numbers ARE NOT expected to total the number of participating programs in the QRIS as reported in A3.2.4.

How many programs moved up within the QRIS or achieved another quality threshold established by the State/Territory over the last fiscal year? How many programs moved down within the QRIS or achieved another quality threshold established by the State/Territory over the last fiscal year? N/A Describe
Child Care Centers _____ _____ [] _____
Family Child Care Homes _____ _____ [] _____
License-Exempt Providers _____ _____ [] _____

A3.2.7 Number of CCDF Subsidized Children Served in Programs Participating in the State/Territory Quality Improvement System

Note. If the State/Territory does not have a formal QRIS, the State/Territory may define another quality indicator and report it here.

a) What percentage of CCDF children were served in participating programs during the last fiscal year?____

b) What percentage of CCDF children were served in high quality care as defined by the State/Territory? Provide the definition of high quality care in the Describe box. This may include assessment scores, accreditation, or other metric, if no QRIS.

[] N/A


Pathways to Excellence for the Child Care Workforce: Professional Development Systems and Workforce Initiatives (Component #4)

A4.1 Progress on Overall Goals

A4.1.1 Based on the goals described in the Lead Agency's CCDF Plan at Section 3.4.7, please report your progress.

You may include any significant areas of progress that that were not anticipated in the Plan, as well. For each goal listed, briefly describe the improvement with specific examples or numeric targets where possible (e.g., Implement a wage supplement program, Develop articulation agreements). If applicable, describe any barriers to implementing your planned goals.

Goals Described in FY 2014-2015 CCDF PlanDescribe Progress Include Examples and Numeric Targets where Possible

A4.2 Key Data

OCC is collecting this information as one part of our overall effort to better understanding State/Territory activities to improve the quality of child care. OCC recognizes that the data requested in this report will only provide part of that picture because there are many factors which affect the data being collected here. Each State/Territory's policy context and priorities and standards will play a role in the way that quality improvement activities are developed and implemented. OCC intends to work with the States/Territories to gather any additional contextual information necessary in order to fully understand the context of these data for any reporting activities involving this information.

A4.2.1 Number of Teachers/Caregivers and Qualification Levels

a) What is the total number of child care center teachers in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2014?______

[] N/A


b) What is the total number of family child care providers in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2014?______

[] N/A


c) What is the number of center teachers and family child care providers by qualification level as of the end of the last fiscal year? Count only the highest level of education attained.

Child CareCenterTeachersFamily ChildCareProvidersN/ADescribe
Child Development Associate (CDA) _____ _____ [] _____
State/Territory Credential _____ _____ [] _____
Associate's degree _____ _____ [] _____
Bachelor's degree _____ _____ [] _____
Graduate/Advanced degree _____ _____ [] _____

A4.2.2 Number of Individuals Included in State/Territory's Professional Development Registry during Last Fiscal Year (October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014)

Teachers in child care centers Family child care home providers License-exempt providers

[] N/A


A4.2.3 Number of Individuals Receiving Credit-Based Training and/or Education as defined by State/Territory during the last fiscal year

Teachers in child care centers Family child care home providers License-exempt providers

[] N/A


A4.2.4 Number of Credentials and Degrees Awarded during Last Fiscal Year

If possible, list the type of credential or degree and in what type of setting the practitioner worked.

SettingList Type of Credential and Provide Number AwardedList Type of Degree and Provide Number AwardedN/ADescribe
Teachers in child care centers _____ _____ [] _____
Family child care home providers _____ _____ [] _____
License-exempt providers _____ _____ [] _____

A4.2.5 Number of Individuals Receiving Technical Assistance during Last Fiscal Year

Describe any data you track on coaching, mentoring, or other specialist consultation. If possible, include in what type of setting the practitioner worked. Responses to this question should be consistent with information provided in question 3.4.4e of the CCDF Plan.

SettingList Type of Technical Assistance and Provide NumberN/ADescribe
Teachers in child care centers _______ [] _____
Family child care home providers ______ [] _______
License-exempt providers _______ [] _______

A4.2.6 Type of Financial Supports Provided and Number of Teachers/Providers Receiving as of End of Last Fiscal Year?

[] Scholarships. How many teachers/providers received?____

[] Reimbursement for Training Expenses. How many teachers/providers received?______

[] Loans. How many teachers/providers received?_______

[] Wage supplements. How many teachers/providers received?____

[] Other. Describe______

[] N/A


Building Subsidy Systems that Increase Access to High Quality Care

In this section, Lead Agencies provide progress on their subsidy administration goals over the past year as of September 30, 2014.

A5.1 Progress on Overall Goals

Based on the goals described in the Lead Agency's CCDF Plan at Section 2.8, please report your progress using the chart below. You may include any significant areas of progress that were not anticipated in the Plan, as well. For each goal listed, briefly describe the improvement with specific examples or numeric targets where possible (e.g., established copayment policies that sustain income and sustain quality, or established eligibility policies that promote continuity of care). If applicable, describe any barriers to implementing your planned goals.

Goals Described in FY 2014-2015 CCDF PlanDescribe Progress Include Examples and Numeric Targets where Possible

Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 5, ch. 1, app 18-5-1-1