18 Miss. Code. R. 4-4.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 18-4-4.1 - Group Use Policy

An organization or group must complete an application to use Historic Jefferson College's facilities and grounds (Hereafter referred to as the "HJC Site."). Applications should be received at least two (2) weeks in advance of the event. The Museum Director must approve and sign the application before it will be scheduled on the calendar.

The coordinator for the organization or group must sign the application and provide contact information, acknowledging the receipt of, and agreeing that their group will abide by the HJC Site's Use Policy. The coordinator must provide a copy of the approved application to the staff member on duty on the day of the event, or during the set up on the prior day.

A.Use Fee:

There is a non-refundable use fee for the HJC site. This fee must be included with the application (as a check made out to "Historic Jefferson College"). However, if the facilities or grounds are rendered unsuitable due to unforeseen circumstances, the Museum Director reserves the right to cancel an event, and the user will receive a full refund.

B.Hours of Operation:

Historic Jefferson College's grounds and buildings are open from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 1:00-5:00 p.m. on Sundays. Unless advance arrangements are made, the buildings are closed and locked at 5:00 p.m. each day. For site-sponsored after-hours events, the gates to the grounds may be kept open.

The HJC Site is open to the public during regular operating hours. Groups using the grounds and facilities must ensure that access to all buildings and the grounds is available to the public. The buildings are usually closed on major state holidays.

C.Set up and Arrival:

Users may start setting up for their event the day before it is scheduled, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and beginning at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the event.

Groups needing electricity will be able to plug into the receptacles on the power pole next to the West Wing, using heavy duty extension cords. Cords may be run into the West Wing to power fans, lamps, etc. Cords that are the property of HJC must be unplugged, coiled neatly and left under the stairs of the West Wing. Visitors are prohibited from entering into construction areas or above the 1st floor of the West Wing.

D.Food and Beverages:

Food and beverages are allowed for events, and may be brought into the West Wing. Alcohol is not permitted, except during special site-sponsored events, and only with the advance approval of the Museum Director.

E.Cooking and Fires:

No smoking is allowed in, or within 50 feet of any building. Cooking/campfires are permitted only in the picnic area, in the stone fireplaces. Hotpots, hot plates, electric griddles, gas camp stoves or similar items are not allowed in the historic buildings.

Smokers/cookers may be used only in the picnic area. Campers may use downed sticks as fuel, but no trees or branches are to be cut. During burn bans, there will be no fires or open flames of any kind, including in the picnic area.

F.Clean up:

Trash cans are provided in the West Wing, with extra bags at the bottom. There are also trash cans located in the picnic area. At the end of the event, all trash and garbage should be disposed of in the dumpster by the parking area, and the areas must be returned to their original conditions.


A security guard conducts regular patrols of HJC at night, but HJC assumes no responsibility for items lost or stolen.


Free-standing signs or banners announcing a group's activity are permitted, subject to approval by the Museum Director. Signs and banners may be placed in the vacant lot on Hwy. 61, but should not block the view of traffic for cars pulling out onto Hwy. 61 from Jefferson College Street. Banners may be tied to the front fence.


There is an outside-access bathroom attached to the Visitor's Center. There are also bathrooms available inside during regular operating hours.

J.Large Group Restroom Facilities:

Groups with over 150 participants are required to rent a Port-a-john, which may be placed behind the West Wing on the west side of the road. The cost of the rental is $150, subject to change. The units are dropped off on Friday, and picked up on Monday. Staff members of the HJC Site can provide the names of several vendors, but the group facilitator is responsible for making the reservation and arranging payment with the vendor.


Amplified music will be allowed only to the extent that it does not bother other visitors or residents in the area. The staff member on duty may request that the volume be turned down.


Parking is allowed in the main parking area by circle drive. For events occurring in the West Wing, groups may use the "staff only" drive to load and unload their items, but their cars must then be moved to the main parking area by the circle drive or to the road and field behind the West Wing Kitchen. Do not park cars in the grass in front of the buildings (exception for cars with valid handicapped license plate or placard). Buses must park in the area around the circle drive.

M.Political use restrictions:

No use of the buildings or grounds may be made by political candidates or political parties in support of a candidate or slate of candidates, except presidential and vice-presidential nominees of nationally recognized parties eligible for federal funding.


No firearms or weapons of any type, including BB guns and bow and arrows, are permitted on the grounds, with the exception of site-sponsored events.


Primitive camping by Scout groups is allowed within the circle drive and in the lot south of the Visitor's Center. With prior approval of the Museum Director, camping may be allowed behind the West and East Wings. However, campfires may be built only on the west side of the road behind the buildings and the fire regulations listed above must be followed. Leave no trace--all remains are to be removed and the sod replaced.

During site-sponsored events, RV's are permitted to spend the night, but the owners must notify the staff, and park the RV in the main parking lot or on the road behind the West Wing. There are no hookups, and electricity is not provided.

In case of bad weather, campers may sleep in Prospere Hall, but must remove their gear by the start of the next business day, clean up any messes, and return all areas to their original condition.


Dogs are permitted on the grounds, but must be on a leash at all times. Horses may be ridden on the grounds, but are not allowed on the nature trail.

18 Miss. Code. R. 4-4.1

Miss. Code § 25-59-1 (1972, as amended).
Adopted 3/23/2016