18 Miss. Code. R. 20-1-1-V.8.2

Current through January 14, 2025

Under 10 CFR 440.18(e) for administrative purposes -- no more than 7.5 percent of the new PY allocation will be used by the state, and not less than 7.5 percent will be made available to Subgrantees. DCS understands that Subgrantees with allocations of less than $350,000 may be eligible to receive an additional 5 percent of administrative funds based on criteria developed by DCS. Should DCS elect this option, DCS will describe the procedures used for approval to provide additional administrative funds to qualified Subgrantees as specified in 10 CFR 440.18(d). DCS will take caution, and only use the new PY total allocation funds in determining the administrative allowances.

The State of Mississippi/DCS will ensure that funds are allocated to areas based on relative need for the project. Funds will be allocated to subgrantees based on the level of poverty as determined by the most recent census statistics in accordance with 440.15(b). Financial assistance will be used to supplement and not supplant state or local funds in accordance with 440.16 (c). The Subgrantees will be required to coordinate with other programs to the maximum extent possible is in accordance with 440.16 (d). DCS is a participant in a comprehensive planning group designed to provide the greatest benefit to the client while mutually accommodating the involved parties via referrals and leveraged activities.

18 Miss. Code. R. 20-1-1-V.8.2

Adopted 11/23/2020
Amended 11/7/2021
Amended 1/6/2023
Amended 7/10/2023