18 Miss. Code. R. 2-1-II

Current through January 14, 2025

The Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended (OAA), administered by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, under the direction of the Assistant Secretary for Aging, requires the Governor of the State of Mississippi to designate a single state agency to develop and administer a State Plan on Aging. The Division of Aging and Adult Services under the umbrella of the Mississippi Department of Human Services has been designated by the Governor as that agency and is hereinafter referred to as the DAAS.

The DAAS, as the designated State Unit on Aging (SUA) for Mississippi, is required to submit a State Plan on Aging in order to receive its allocation of OAA funds to provide programs and services for individuals sixty years of age and older.

The State Plan on Aging for Mississippi has been prepared as required by the OAA.

* The State Plan will guide the DAAS' statewide activities for older citizens during the period of October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2014, a period of four years.

* The State Plan provides a statewide vision and mission for programs.

* The State Plan outlines Strategic Goals and Objectives to implement Title III and Title VII requirements and any objectives established by the Administration on Aging via the rule-making process.

* The State Plan describes how the DAAS will direct efforts to improve: access for an integrated array of health and social supports; traditional aging services; family care supports; and healthy lifestyles by older Mississippians.

* The State Plan represents the DAAS' response for addressing the long-term care, social, supportive, legal, protection, and other service needs of elderly Mississippians.

* The Intrastate Funding Formula is the method of distribution of Title III and Title VII funds to meet needs identified in each Planning and Service Area.

* The budget pages describe the plan of use for Title III and Title VII funds administered by the DAAS.

* The State Plan on Aging has been developed with the assistance and advice of the Area Agencies on Aging and other organizations in the State and has taken into consideration the views, opinions, concerns and recommendations of older citizens, elected officials, and the general public.

18 Miss. Code. R. 2-1-II