Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 18-14-32.6 - Changes Resulting in a Decrease in BenefitsA. If a household's benefits decrease or it becomes ineligible as a result of the change, MDHS must issue a notice of adverse action within 10 days from the date the change was reported unless an exemption to the notice of adverse action applies.B. When a notice of adverse action is issued, the decrease in benefits is effective no later than the month following the month in which the notice of adverse action period has expired, as long as a fair hearing and continuation of benefits has not been requested.C. When a notice of adverse action is not issued due to an exemption, the decrease in benefits is effective no later than the month following the change.D. Verification must be obtained prior to recertification.E. MDHS may suspend a household's certification prospectively for 1 month if the household becomes temporarily ineligible due to a periodic increase in recurring income or other change not expected to continue in the subsequent month. If the suspended household becomes eligible again, then benefits will resume on its normal issuance date. If the suspended household does not become eligible after 1 month, then MDHS will terminate the household's certification.18 Miss. Code. R. 14-32.6