18 Miss. Code. R. 14-17.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 18-14-17.6 - Income from Non-Household Members
A. The earned and unearned income from a non-household member disqualified for either an IPV or failing to comply with work requirements is attributed to the remaining household members.
B. The earned and unearned income from a non-household member disqualified for failing to provide an SSN or being an ineligible non-citizen is counted as income, less a pro rata share for the individual.
C. For households containing a sponsored non-citizen, the income of the sponsor and the sponsor's spouse must be deemed.

18 Miss. Code. R. 14-17.6

7 CFR §273.9(b)(3)-(4)
Adopted 3/15/2022
Amended 10/20/2023
Amended 12/9/2024