Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 18-14-17.4 - Earned IncomeEarned income includes the following:
A. All salaries and wages from an employee;B. Gross income from a self-employment enterprise, including the total gain from the sale of any capital goods or equipment related to the business; 1.Exception: The costs of doing business are excluded.2. Ownership of rental property is considered a self-employment enterprise. Income from a rental property is only considered earned income if a household member is actively engaged in the management of such property for an average of at least 20 hours per week.3. Payments from a roomer or boarder (except foster care boarders) are considered a self-employment enterprise regardless of the number of hours spent weekly in providing the service.C. Training allowances from vocational and rehabilitative programs recognized by Federal, state, and local governments, such as the work incentive program, to the extent they are not a reimbursement;D. Payments under Title I (VISTA, University Year for Action, etc.) of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973; 1.Exception: Payments made to volunteers will be excluded for those persons receiving public assistance or SNAP at the time he or she joined the Title I program.2. New applicants who were not receiving public assistance or SNAP at the time he or she joined VISTA will have these volunteer payments included as earned income.E. Earnings to persons participating in on-the-job training programs paid under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 and monies paid by the employer. Exception: This does not apply to household members under 19 years of age who are under the parental control of another adult member, regardless of school attendance and/or enrollment;F. Educational assistance that has a work requirement in excess of the amount excluded in Rule 17.8 Excluded Income. Exception: Earned income from work study programs funded under section 20 U.S.C. 1087uu of the Higher Education Act is excluded;G. Jury duty income unless the jury pay does not exceed $30.00 in a quarter and cannot be reasonably anticipated as described in Rule 17.8 Excluded Income;H. Income received from the selling of blood or blood plasma;I. Military pay and allowances; 1. Basic pay, with the exception of combat pay as described in Rule 17.8 Excluded Income.2. Basic Allowances for Quarters (BAQ) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS).3.Note: The mandatary salary reduction amount for military service personnel, which is used to fund the G.I. Bill, will not count as income pursuant to Section 303(a)(1) of the Omnibus Veterans Benefits and Health Care Authorization Act of 1986, as it is not considered to be received by or under the control of the individual.18 Miss. Code. R. 14-17.4