16 Miss. Code. R. 3-12.8.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 16-3-12.8.4 - Phase I Reporting

Reporting Format

5. Report Cover - Include the title of the report, the lead federal or state agency, the contractor performing the work, the word "Draft" or "Final," and the date of the report.
7. Management Summary - Two paragraph maximum to include a brief summary of the project (e.g., Phase I, Monitoring) and project area, its size (acres/hectares), and the county or counties where the work was done.
8. Table of Contents - Headings should duplicate verbatim those found in the text. The Table of Contents should use leader tabs between headings page numbers. All appendix materials should be listed in the Table of Contents as well.
9. List of Figures - Duplicate verbatim the first sentence of the captions of each figure in the text. The List of Figures should use leader tabs between the figure caption and page number.
10. List of Tables - Duplicate verbatim the title of each table in the text. The List of Table should use leader tabs between the table title and page number.
11. Pagination - The pagination for the front matter must be in lower case Roman numerals.

Report Body (Headings)

12. Pagination - The pages for all final reports must be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. Pagination by chapter numbers (e.g., 1-2, 3-5, 7-35 etc.) is acceptable for draft reports.
13. Introduction - Outline the scope of work, area of potential effect (APE), project description, general description of the project's history, agency(s) involved, project setting and boundaries, purpose of the archaeological investigations, etc. List the staff and dates of investigation. Provide a detail of a 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle map (1:24,000 scale) showing the location of the area being investigated with a state inset map showing the project location within the state of Mississippi. All maps should include a scale, north arrow, and legend. Briefly summarize the results of the archaeology and the investigator's recommendations for further work. Wherever applicable, provide a legal description of the project area that includes Township, Range, and Section. Also, provide a synopsis of the report organization.
14. Environmental Setting - Limit the discussion to the geomorphology, soils, and other ecological information relevant to the development of the research design and/or the understanding of the project area. Do not include an extended discussion of environmental features unless it is relevant to the discussion and interpretation of the negative findings.
15. Previous Investigations (archaeological, historical and/or architectural where applicable) - This section should place the current project within the context of previous investigations, and the region- appropriate culture history, including the locations of sites and standing structures, appropriate methodology, results, interpretations, and significant research questions previous investigators have raised in and around a project area. Relative to these subjects, all reports of surveys, site forms, and standing structure forms within one mile of the project area must be reviewed and summarized for Phase I survey reports. For extended linear project areas such as pipelines, highway rights-of-way etc. investigators may consider all sites, structures, and previous projects within one half (0.5) miles of the project's APE. This information about surrounding sites may be presented in tabular form, but must include, at a minimum site or structure number, name (if any), and eligibility for the National Register.
16. Results - Describe the fieldwork results, including the number of positive and negative shovel tests, and the analyses of all recovered or identified materials. Newly recorded sites and updated sites must be described individually (isolated finds can either be discussed individually or placed in a table). The locations of all positive and negative shovel test locations excavated for site definition purposes are required to be presented on the site map in Phase I reports. All sites described in a report must include a map of the site that includes site boundaries, shovel tests locations, topography, and features, among other elements. Provide at least one overview photograph of the project area and of each site described in the report. Clearly state the determination of eligibility for the NRHP for each site and note which criterion (A, B, C, or D) applies to this eligibility. Sites should be described as Eligible, Not Eligible, or Undetermined (further investigation required). The term "Potentially Eligible" is not an acceptable recommendation for the NRHP, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). Site descriptions in reports should be consistent with information presented on site cards. All archaeological materials should be thoroughly described in the report, with citations for artifact classifications and chronological interpretations. Photographs and/or illustrations of representative diagnostic artifacts are encouraged.
17. Summary and Recommendation - Succinctly summarize the results of the research and provide archaeological interpretations. Clearly explain the possible adverse effect a proposed project will have on cultural resources and make recommendations for additional work if needed. Include management recommendations relative to ground-disturbing activities and preservation or mitigation of impact on archaeological resources. Usually for Phase I investigations, sites that are not eligible for the National Register require no additional investigations. Sites that are recommended as "undetermined" require further archaeological investigation: most typically a Phase II Assessment of Eligibility for the National Register.
18. References Cited and Appendices - A list of references cited should generally follow the summary chapter of the report. References in the texts of reports submitted should use the Style Guide for the Society of American Archaeology (SAA). The guidelines are at:

http://www.saa.org/AbouttheSociety/Publications/StyleGuide/tabid/984/Default.aspx. Appendices items such as shovel test forms, artifact catalog sheets, correspondence etc. may be included in a report as an appendix if they are cited in the body of the report. If artifacts recovered during a project are returned to a property owner or owners, any correspondence or other related documents must be included in the appendices of a report.

16 Miss. Code. R. 3-12.8.4

Adopted 4/8/2020