16 Miss. Code. R. 150.2.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 16-150.2.2 - Exemptions to Public Records Act of 1983

The availability of all records in the possession of the Library Commission shall be subject to the following limitations:

A. Personnel records and applications for employment and letters of recommendation for employment in the possession of the Library Commission, except those which may be released to the person who made the application or released upon the prior written consent of the person who made the application, shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 25-1-100).
B. Test questions or answers which are used in employment examinations and in the possession of the Library Commission except that which may be released to the person who made the application or released upon the prior written consent of the person who made the application, shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 25-1-100)
C. Records which represent and constitute the work product of any attorney, district attorney or county prosecuting attorney representing the Library Commission and which are related to litigation made by or against the Library Commission, or in anticipation of prospective litigation, including all communications between such attorney made in the courses of an attorney-client relationship shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 25-1-102)
D. Records in the possession of the Library Commission which would disclose information about a person's individual tax payment or status shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 27-3-77)
E. Appraisal information in the possession of the Library Commission which concerns the sale or purchase of real or personal property for public purposes prior to public announcement of the purchase or sale, where the release of such records could possibly have a detrimental effect on such sales or purchases shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 31-1-27)
F. Test questions and answers in the possession of the Library Commission which are to be used in future academic examinations and letters of recommendations respecting admission to any educational agency or institution, shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 37-11-51)
G. Records in the possession of the Library Commission which contain information about the location of any specific archaeological site and which in the opinion of such agency possessing such records, would, upon the disclosure thereof, create a substantial risk of damage or destruction to the historical value of such archaeological site or create a substantial risk of damage or destruction the private property rights, shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 39-7-41)
H. Records in the possession of the Library Commission which are not otherwise protected by law, that (1) are compiled in the process of detecting and investigating any unlawful activity or alleged unlawful activity, disclosure of which would harm such investigation; (2) would reveal the identity of informants; (3) would prematurely release information that would impede the Library Commission's enforcement, investigation or detection efforts in such proceedings (4) would disclose investigatory techniques; (5) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or impartial adjudication; (6) would endanger the life or safety of any Library Commission personnel; (7) are matters pertaining to quality control or PEER review activities, shall be exempt from the provisions of the Act. (§ 45-29-1)

16 Miss. Code. R. 150.2.2

Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated § 39-3-107 (Rev. 1988).