15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-05-513.01.02

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 15-8-90-05-513.01.02 - Certificate of Need Criteria and Standards for Invasive Digital Angiography in a Hospital

MSDH will review applications for a CON for the acquisition or otherwise control of Digital Angiography (DA) equipment and associated costs under the applicable statutory requirements of Sections 41-7-173, 41-7-191, and 41-7-193, Mississippi Code 1972, as amended. MSDH will also review applications for Certificate of Need according to the general criteria listed in the Mississippi Certificate of Need Review Manual; all adopted rules, procedures, and plans of MSDH; and the specific criteria and standards listed below.

CON review is required when the capital expenditure for the purchase of Digital Angiography equipment and associated costs exceed $1,500,000, or when the equipment is to be used for invasive procedures, i.e., the use of catheters. The offering of diagnostic and therapeutic intravascular intervention imaging services of an invasive nature, i.e. invasive digital angiography, is reviewable if those services have not been provided on a regular basis by the proposed provider of such services within the period of twelve (12) months prior to the time such services would be offered regardless of the capital expenditure.

Need Criterion 1: Staffing Requirements

The applicant for invasive DA services shall demonstrate that proper protocols for screening and medical specialty backup are in place before services are rendered by personnel other than those with specialized training.

For example, if a radiologist without specialized training in handling cardiac arrhythmia is to perform a procedure involving the heart, a cardiologist/cardiosurgeon must be available for backup.

The protocols shall include, but are not limited to, having prior arrangements for backup from:

a. a cardiologist/cardiosurgeon for procedures involving the heart;
b. a neurologist/neurosurgeon for procedures involving the brain; and
c. a vascular surgeon, cardiologist, radiologist or nephrologist credentialed and accredited for interventional peripheral vascular procedures.

Need Criterion 2: CON Exemption

Before utilizing or providing the equipment or service, the applicant desiring to provide the digital angiography equipment or invasive DA services shall have CON approval or written evidence that the equipment or service is exempt from CON approval as determined by MSDH through a determination of reviewability.

15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-05-513.01.02

Amended 12/1/2014
Amended 3/1/2016
Adopted 7/1/2018
Amended 12/9/2018
Amended 2/20/2022
Amended 5/29/2023