15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-03-306.03.02

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 15-8-90-03-306.03.02 - Acute Psychiatric Beds for Children and Adolescents

Need Criterion 1: Statistical Need for Child/Adolescent Beds

MSDH shall base statistical need for child/adolescent acute psychiatric beds on a ratio of 0.55 beds per 1,000 population aged five (5) to seventeen (17) for 2025 in the state as a whole as projected by the Division of Health Planning and Resource Development. Table 3-6 presents the statistical need for child/adolescent psychiatric beds. Of the specified beds needed, twenty-five (25) beds are hereby set aside exclusively for the treatment of children less than fourteen (14) years of age.

Need Criterion 2: Proposed Size of Facility/Unit

The applicant shall provide information regarding the proposed size of the facility/unit. Acute psychiatric beds for children and adolescents may be located in freestanding or hospital-based units and facilities. A facility should not be larger than sixty (60) beds. All units, whether hospital-based or freestanding, should provide a homelike environment. Ideally, a facility should provide cottage-style living units housing eight (8) to ten (10) patients. Because of the special needs of children and adolescents, facilities or units which are not physically attached to a general hospital are preferred. For the purposes of this Plan, an adolescent is defined as a minor who is at least fourteen (14) years old but less than eighteen (18) years old, and a child is defined as a minor who is at least five (5) years old but less than fourteen (14) years old.

Need Criterion 3: Staffing

The applicant shall provide documentation regarding the staffing of the facility. Staff should be specially trained to meet the needs of adolescents and children. Staff should include both psychiatrists and psychologists and should provide a multi-discipline psychosocial medical approach to treatment. The treatment program must involve parents and/or significant others. Aftercare services must also be provided.

Need Criterion 4: Structural Design of Facility - Separation of Children and Adolescents

The applicant shall describe the structural design of the facility in providing for the separation of children and adolescents. In facilities where both children and adolescents are housed, the facility should attempt to provide separate areas for each age grouping.

15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-03-306.03.02

Adopted 7/1/2018
Amended 12/9/2018
Amended 11/20/2021
Amended 2/20/2022
Amended 5/29/2023