Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-3-2-1.1.5 - DefinitionsFor the purpose of clarity and usage in the Mississippi STEMI SOC, the following abbreviations, acronyms, and terms shall be defined as follows:
1. ACC - American College of Cardiology 2. ACLS - Advanced Cardiac Life Support 3. ALS - Advanced life support, including techniques of resuscitation, such as, intravenous access, and cardiac monitoring 4. BACS - Bureau of Acute Care Systems, Mississippi State Department of Health 5. BEMS - Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, Mississippi State Department of Health 6. BLS - Basic life support techniques of resuscitation, including simple airway maneuvers, administration of oxygen, and intravenous access 7. CAP - Corrective Action Plan 8. CCRN - Critical Care Registered Nurse. 9. CEN - Certified Emergency Nurse 10. Department - Mississippi State Department of Health 11. Designation - Formal recognition of hospitals by the Department as providers of specialized STEMI services to meet the needs of patients suffering from an acute STEMI 12. E&D - Essential and Desirables chart for each STEMI Center designation level 13. Emergency Department (or Emergency Room) - The area of an acute care hospital that customarily receives patients in need of emergency medical evaluation and/or care 14. EMS - Emergency Medical Services 15. EMSAC - Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council 16. ENA - Emergency Nurses Association 17. Field Triage - Classification of patients according to medical need at the scene of an injury or onset of an illness 18. Inclusive STEMI System of Care - a STEMI care system that incorporates every health care facility willing to participate in the voluntary system in order to provide a continuum of services for all patients suffering from an acute STEMI; the patient's needs are matched to the appropriate hospital resources 19. STEMI Receiving Centers - A hospital with the ability to provide 24/7/365 percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and provide leadership and complete care for every aspect of STEMI from prevention to rehabilitation 20. STEMI Referral Centers - An acute care hospital with the commitment, resources and specialty training necessary to diagnose, provide initial care and administer thrombolytics 24/7/365 21. Medical Control - Physician direction over pre-hospital activities to ensure efficient field triage, transportation, and care of STEMI patients 22. Mid-level Providers/Practitioners - Physician Assistant (PA) and/or Nurse Practitioners (NP) 23. Mississippi STEMI System of Care Plan - A formally organized plan developed by the Department, which sets out a comprehensive system for the prevention and management of STEMI patients 24. Non-Designated Hospital - A licensed acute care hospital that has applied for designation as a STEMI center, but has not been designated by the Department 25. Non-Participating Hospital - A licensed acute care hospital that has informed the Department that they do not desire to participate in the STEMI SOC 26. Performance Improvement (PI or Quality Improvement) - A method of evaluating and improving processes of patient care which emphasizes a multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving, and focuses not on individuals, but systems of patient care which might cause variations in patient outcome 27. Research - Clinical or laboratory studies designed to produce new knowledge applicable to the care of STEMI patients 28. Service Area (or "catchment area") - Geographic area defined by the local EMS agency as the area served by a designated STEMI Center 29. SHO - State Health Officer 30. STEMI Registry - a database program managed by the Department and used by hospitals to track STEMI patients and the care of STEMI patients 31. Triage - the process of sorting patients on the basis of the actual or perceived injury or illness and assigning them to the most effective and efficient STEMI care resources, in order to insure optimal care and the best chance of survival 15 Miss. Code. R. 3-2-1.1.5