15 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-2.8.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-3-1-2.8.1

The burn program must have a performance improvement program that is multidisciplinary. The burn center director must be responsible for the performance improvement program. The burn center multi-disciplinary committee, which oversees the performance improvement program, must meet at least quarterly. Sufficient documentation must be maintained to verify problems, identify opportunities for improvement, take corrective actions, and resolve problems. Morbidity and mortality conferences must be held at least monthly with physicians other than the immediate burn care team to ensure objective review of the presentations. Attendees at this conference must include specialist staff members other than those practicing in the burn center. All significant complications and deaths must be discussed. Actions recommended must also be documented, and there must be documentation of loop closure. Records of this conference must be kept.

15 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-2.8.1

Adopted 8/30/2017
Amended 3/1/2018