15 Miss. Code. R. 21-78-1.1.18

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-21-78-1.1.18 - Fees
1. Application Fees
a. Each applicant or amendment thereto for which a fee is prescribed shall be accompanied by a remittance in the full amount of the fee. No application or amendment thereto shall be accepted or processed prior to payment of the full amount specified. No license, registration, or variance shall be issued, unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Radiological Health
b. Payment of the prescribed annual fee does not automatically renew the license or registration, or approval for which the fee is paid. License renewal applications must be filed in accordance with Rule 1.2.6 and/or Subchapter 3 ( 10 CFR 30.37) .
2. Annual Fees
a. All activities for which an annual fee is provided shall be subject to the payment of such fee by the due date indicated on the invoice.
3. Reciprocal Agreements-Licenses and Registrants
a. Persons operating within Mississippi under the provision of Rule 1.2.10 ( 10 CFR 150.20) shall submit to the Mississippi State Department of Health Division of Radiological Health the annual fee of the applicable category before the first entry into the state. The fee will allow reciprocal recognition of the license or registration for one year from the date of receipt.
4. Determination of Fee
a. The fee for each applicable category is listed in Appendix A.
b. In the case of licenses that authorize more than one activity, the total fee will be for the activity assigned the higher fee.
c. Licenses that are amended and that result in a change in the Appendix A category to a higher fee category license shall be assessed the entire fee for that type of license effective with the amendment.
d. Electronic products that are in storage are subject to the same initial application fee and annual fee unless the X-ray unit is rendered permanently incapable of producing radiation and this fact is documented in writing to the Mississippi State Department of Health Division of Radiological Health.
e. Electronic products that are no longer possessed by the registrant (e.g., sold, donated, or transferred) shall not be subject to the annual fee, provided written documentation is received by the invoice due date, which includes the name address, and telephone number to whom possession was transferred.
5. Methods of Payment
a. All payments must be made by electronic methods of payment.
b. Electronic Methods of Payment
1. Persons wishing to make payments using the electronic pay method shall access the department's website and follow the instructions provided on the website.
2. Persons wishing to make payments using the electronic funds transfer (EFB) method shall contact the Office of Finance and Administration for further instructions.
c. Cash is not an acceptable form of payment.
6. Payments and Penalties.
a. All fees due to Radiological Health are required to be paid in full within forty-five (45) days of the invoiced fee due date.
b. Failure to pay all fees due within the forty-five (45) days shall cause the licensee/registrant to be in violation of these regulations and subject to a penalty fee equal to a maximum of two (2) times the amount of the fee due and payable plus an amount necessary to reimburse the costs of delinquent fee collection which may include administrative hearings for failure to pay the fee within ninety (90) days of the invoice due date.
7. Effective Date
a. The schedule of fees prescribed herein shall be effective on June 1, 2019.
8. Multiple Locations
a. Those persons possessing licenses or registrations that name multiple locations where sources of radiation are stored, used, or otherwise possessed, shall be subject to an additional fee of 10 percent of the annual fee for each such location within the state of Mississippi, not to exceed an amount equal to the annual fee.

15 Miss. Code. R. 21-78-1.1.18

Miss. Code Ann. § 45-14-31
Amended 8/19/2016
Amended 2/17/2019
Amended 8/17/2019