In order to allow the Department to perform a technical and Grant allowability review, requests for change order approvals shall conform to Department guidance, requirements, and regulations.
Change orders which include time extensions exceeding 30 days beyond the original contract completion date, and/or documentation that the Grant recipient is implementing all legal remedies provided in the contract documents for failure to complete construction when required, shall be submitted to the Department as specified in these regulations. Justification for contract time extensions included in a change order shall be prepared but need not be submitted to the Department unless the total time extensions for the contract exceeds 30 days after the original contract completion date, in which case justification for all time extensions shall be submitted to the Department for an allowability determination. The deadline of September 30, 2026 ends the period of performance to liquidate all obligations. The contract completion date should not exceed August 15, 2026.
15 Miss. Code. R. 20-72-5.3.17