15 Miss. Code. R. 20-72-5.2.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-20-72-5.2.6 - Grant Award Cycles

The Department will prepare a schedule for award cycles to make awards to projects eligible and ready to begin construction. In the first fiscal year after the effective date of the Act, twenty percent (20%) of the funds appropriated to the Department for the program shall be obligated to projects that have completed plans and specifications, acquired all necessary land and/or easements, and are ready to proceed to construction. Award Cycles shall be created at the Departments discretion until such time that all funds are obligated but not to exceed December 31, 2024. Awards occurring during the award cycle will be a product of an applicants' eligibility, the proposed projects eligibility, and the projects ranking score produced by the Program's Application Ranking System.

If the Department determines the available funds for award are not adequate to justify an additional award cycle, the Department shall allow funded Round 1 and 2 projects, awarded less than $1M to request no more than 100% of their original grant in additional grant funding for the original scope, provided that does not exceed $1.5M. This shall be awarded based on funding availability at the time of the request and at the discretion of the Department.

15 Miss. Code. R. 20-72-5.2.6

House Bill 1421, 2022 Regular Session
Adopted 6/24/2022
Amended 7/28/2023
Amended 8/19/2024