15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-9.9.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-19-60-9.9.1 - Exceptions

No person shall practice respiratory care or represent himself to be a respiratory care practitioner unless he is licensed by the Board, except as otherwise provided in this section.

1. The person is involved in the practice of respiratory care which is an integral part of the program of study by students enrolled in a respiratory care education program recognized by the Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education and the American Medical Association Council on Allied Health Education or their successors. Unlicensed students enrolled in respiratory therapy education programs shall be identified as "Student-RCP" and shall only provide respiratory care under direct clinical supervision. Direct Clinical Supervision shall mean under the direct control of a clinical instructor of the respiratory care education program in which the unlicensed student is enrolled, or his designee. The clinical instructor or his designee shall be a Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner in the State of Mississippi, who shall be readily accessible and accountable at all times when respiratory care is being provided by the unlicensed student.
2. Second-year Respiratory Care Practitioner (RCP) students enrolled in an accredited respiratory care program are allowed to be employed, to provide, and to be compensated for the performance of limited low-risk respiratory therapy procedures in licensed hospitals. The RCP student must be issued a hospital identification badge and be identified as an "RCP Student" on the hospital identification badge. Said badge shall be worn in clear sight when the RCP student is on the premises of the hospital. They must also be identified as an "RCP Student" on their employment application and any job description maintained in the hospital's human resources department. Second-year RCP students shall work under the direct supervision of a licensed RCP, and the employing institution shall complete and retain all documentation of the competency, proficiency, and ability of the RCP students to perform the procedures authorized below. The procedures authorized to be performed are to be performed exclusively outside a critical care area and are as follows:

* Set up and monitoring of low-flow oxygen (e.g., less than or equal to 6 LPM)

* Non-exotic aerosol therapy (bronchodilators, anticholinergics, etc.)

* Hyperinflation and airway clearance therapy

* Electrocardiograms

* Equipment cleaning, stocking, transporting, etc.

* Once an RCP student is certified in Basic Life Support, they may assist in cardiorespiratory arrests at the discretion of the employing institution.

3. Self-care by a patient, or gratuitous care by a friend or family member who does not represent or hold himself out to be a respiratory care practitioner.
4. Respiratory care services rendered in the course of an emergency.
5. Persons in the military services or working in federal facilities shall be exempted from the provisions of this act when functioning in the course of their assigned duties.
6. The respiratory care practitioner is engaged in performing advances in the art and techniques of respiratory care learned through formalized or specialized training.
7. Nothing in these regulations is intended to limit, preclude, or otherwise interfere with the practices of other persons and health providers licensed by appropriate agencies of the State of Mississippi.
8. An individual, who, by passing an examination which includes content in one or more of the functions included in these regulations, shall not be prohibited from performing such procedures for which he was tested, so long as the testing body offering the examination is certified by the National Commission for Health Certifying Agencies or its equivalent, so long as the individual is a licensed health care provider in the state of Mississippi.

15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-9.9.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-57-13.
Amended 2/13/2023