15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-8.1.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-19-60-8.1.4 - Requirements to Perform Dry Needling

As with all other physical agent modalities in occupational therapy, dry needling is to be utilized in the therapeutic process in order to ultimately achieve improved function and therefore not to be applied as a stand-alone treatment. Dry needling does not include the stimulation of auricular or distal points. Dry needling is not part of an occupational therapist's academic or clinical preparation for entry-level practice; therefore, this rule establishes the minimum standards required for an occupational therapist to be deemed competent to perform dry needling.

1. Dry needling shall be performed only by an occupational therapist who is competent by education and training to perform dry needling as specified in this regulation. Online/virtual/remote study and/or self-study for dry needling instruction shall not be considered appropriate training.
2. An occupational therapist must meet the following requirements in order to be deemed competent to perform dry needling:
a. A minimum of 3 years clinical experience as a licensed occupational therapist
b. Documented successful completion of dry needling course(s) of study approved by the Department that includes:
(i) A minimum of 50 hours face-to-face instruction; an online study is not allowed. Advanced dry needling (i.e., craniofacial, spine, abdominal, etc..,) will require more advanced training than the minimum requirements. It is the responsibility of each occupational therapist to acquire specialty certification through additional training beyond the minimum requirements.
(ii) Each course shall specify which anatomical regions/structures are included in the certification and whether the instruction was introductory or advanced concepts in dry needling
(iii) Every course instructor must be a licensed healthcare provider and have a minimum of two years of experience performing dry needling
(iv) A practical examination and a written examination with a passing score
(v) Anatomical review for safety and effectiveness
(vi) Indications and contraindications for dry needling
(vii) Management of adverse effects
(vii) Evidence-based instructions on the theory of dry needling
(ix) Sterile needle procedures which shall include the standards of the U.S. centers for disease control or the U.S. occupational safety and health administration
c. An occupational therapist performing dry needling in his/her practice must have written informed consent for each patient that is maintained in the patient's chart/medical record. The patient must sign and receive a copy of an informed consent form created by the therapist. The consent form must, at a minimum, clearly state the following information:
(i) Risks and benefits of dry needling
(ii) The occupational therapist's level of education and training in dry needling
(iii) The occupational therapist will not dry needle any auricular or points distal to the identified treatment area
3. Each licensed occupational therapist performing dry needling must have a written physician's order for dry needling or receive verbal authorization from the patient's physician approving dry needling that is documented in the patient's chart/medical record.
4. When dry needling is performed, the occupational therapist must document in the patient's daily/encounter/procedure note. The note shall indicate how the patient tolerated the intervention as well as the outcome of the intervention, including any adverse reactions/events that occurred if any.
5. Dry needling shall not be delegated and must be performed only by a qualified, licensed occupational therapist who has met the minimum standards in this section.
6. Dry needling is not to be performed by an occupational therapy assistant under any circumstances including certification training or supervision.
7. After completion of the Department approved dry needling course, the occupational therapist will submit proof of certification. This will include confirmation of passing scores on written and practical exams. The Department must review and approve documents prior to beginning use of dry needling. This also includes any advanced courses that may follow.
8. Failure of an occupational therapist who is performing dry needling to provide written documentation that confirms he/she has met the requirements of this section shall be evidence that the occupational therapist is not competent and not permitted to perform dry needling. An occupational therapist performing dry needling in violation of this section shall be subject to disciplinary action as specified in Rule 8.8.1(1), (2), (6), (20), and (21).

15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-8.1.4

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-24-13
Amended 11/14/2021
Amended 2/13/2023