15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-7.8.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-19-60-7.8.1 - Standards of Conduct

Registrants may, at the discretion of the Department, have their registration placed on probation, suspended or revoked, or, denied at the time of application or renewal, or have such other disciplinary action taken as deemed appropriate, if the Department determines that the registrant:

1. Is guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting to procure a registration or renewal of a registration to practice medical radiation technology.
2. Has failed to service a patient in a professional manner, or is unfit or incompetent by reason of negligence, habits, or other causes of incompetency.
3. Is habitually intemperate in the use of alcoholic beverage.
4. Is addicted to, or has improperly obtained, possessed, used, or distributed habit-forming drugs or narcotics.
5. Is guilty of dishonest or unethical conduct.
6. Has practiced medical radiation technology after his registration has expired or has been suspended.
7. Has practiced medical radiation technology under cover of any registration illegally or fraudulently obtained or issued.
8. Has violated any of the rules, regulations, or Standards of Ethics of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
9. Has been convicted of any crime involving dishonest or unethical conduct.
10. Has been convicted of any felony.
11. Has violated, aided, or abetted others in violation of any provision of the Act or the regulations promulgated thereto.
12. Has engaged in any conduct considered by the Department to be detrimental to the profession of medical radiation technology.

15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-7.8.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-58-3.