15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-10.7.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-19-60-10.7.4 - Sources of Continuing Education

Only courses/providers of CE courses approved by one of the organizations listed in Rule 10.7.4(1) (a) will be accepted as continuing education for licensure renewal purposes. A course not approved by an organization listed in this section of the regulations may be reviewed by the department prior to attendance at the course. Contact the department for information. Continuing education hours may be accrued from the following sources, when the content of the programs relates to the profession of speech-language pathology or audiology:

1. Attendance at educational programs:
a. attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is given and approved by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA), including other state association educational programs;
b. attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is given and approved by the American Medical Association (AMA) and its components;
c. attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is given and approved by accredited universities.
d. attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is given and approved by the Academy of Dispensing Audiologists.
e. attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is given and approved by the American Academy of Audiology.
f. attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is given and approved by the American Auditory Society.
g. attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is given and approved by licensure authorities for speech-language pathology or audiology of other states or territories of the United States or the District of Columbia.
h. attendance at other programs approved for continuing education credit by ASHA, AMA, or their components.
2. Presentations, made before recognized groups of speech-language pathologists or audiologists, medical practitioners, or other health related professionals, rather than civic groups, and directly related to the profession of speech-language pathology or audiology. To be considered for continuing education credit, material outline and a synopsis must be submitted to the Department thirty (30) days prior to the presentation date. Notice of approval or disapproval will be sent following a review by the Department. For approved presentations, the presenter may accrue one (1) hour of continuing education credit for each hour of the actual presentation, and one (1) hour of preparation time, for a total of (2) two hours. Presenter credit is given one (1) time only, even though the session may be presented multiple times. No more than 30% of total required hours may be accrued through presentations.
3. Academic course work taken after successful completion of the master's degree licensure requirement and taken for credit from a regionally accredited college or university. The courses must relate to the clinical practice of speech-language pathology or audiology. One academic semester hour shall be equivalent to fifteen (15) clock hours for continuing education credit. Courses must be on the graduate level. A minimum grade of "C" is needed for CE purposes
4. Online or Home Study Courses:
a. One hundred percent (100%) of the total required hours may be accrued through online or home study courses.
b. Correspondence courses are not considered self-study.
c. Courses must be approved by one of the organizations listed in Rule 10.7.4(1)(a) of these regulations.
5. Teleconferences approved by a provider listed under Rule 10.7.4(1)(a) of these regulations. Viewing of taped teleconferences is not acceptable unless authorized by the provider in writing.
6. Publication in a professional, referenced journal. Licensee must be the principal author. A maximum of 30% of the total CE requirement may be accrued through publication.
7. Specific UNACCEPTABLE activities include:
a. All in-service programs not approved under Rule 10.7.4(1)(a) of these regulations.
b. Orientation to specific work-site programs dealing with organizational structures, processes, or procedures.
c. Meetings for purposes of policy decision.
d. Non-educational meetings at annual conferences, chapter, or organizational meetings.
e. Entertainment or recreational meetings or activities.
f. Committee meetings, holding of office, serving as an organizational delegate.
g. Visiting exhibits.
h. CPR education.
i. Self-directed studies other than those previously outlined.

15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-10.7.4

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-38-13.
Revised 1/14/09
Amended 11/17/2023