Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-5.6.4 - Location / Setbacks1. All components of the Subsurface Drip Irrigation System shall be located a minimum of: a. Water Supply (Public/Private) i. 100 feet from any public, private or individual potable water sources, unless protected by topographic features. ii. 50 feet from any public, private or individual potable water source for all vessel(s) holding wastewater.b. Water Supply Components i. 10 feet horizontal separation from any potable water line.ii. 10 feet horizontal separation from any water meter.iii. Potable water lines must not pass under or through any part of the wastewater disposal system which includes the collection and distribution of the wastewater or effluent. c. Sensitive Waters i. 100 feet on slopes of greater than 8 percentii. slopes of less than or equal to 8 percent (Table I)d. Property Lines i. 10 feet down slope or same grade e. Residence and Buildings i. 5 feet from habitable and non-habitable f. Additional Structures i. 5 feet from porches, patios, decks, walkways, driveways and parking areasii. 25 feet from swimming pools2. No vehicular traffic or parking is allowed in the area of the treatment and disposal system. 3. Advanced treatment, pump chamber, and Subsurface Drip Irrigation field shall not be located under dwellings or other permanent structures.4. Disposal shall not be located in depressed areas where surface water will accumulate. Provision shall be made to minimize the flow of surface water.5. Where all or part of the treatment and disposal system is proposed to be installed on property other than the owner's, a deeded easement in perpetuity shall be legally recorded in the appropriate county. The deeded easement shall be obtained to include a sufficient area to permit access, construction and maintenance.6. Deeded easements or right-of-way areas for utilities, surface or subsurface drainage, roads, streets, ponds or lakes shall not be used as available space for location of a Subsurface Drip Irrigation System.7. Drip Tubing shall be on contour and shall not be installed perpendicular (or up and down, etc.) to the slope. Elevation differences in a line or the entire grid shall not exceed the drip tubing manufacturers' specifications.15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-5.6.4