Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-5.5.4 - Location of Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems1. All components of the onsite wastewater disposal system shall be located a minimum of: a. five feet from any dwelling.b. ten feet from any property line. 2. Any vessel holding wastewater shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from any public, private or individual potable water source.3. The effluent disposal field shall be located at a lower elevation or in a landscape position that will preclude any surface runoff from flowing in the direction of the well site and a minimum of 100 feet from any public, private or individual potable water source. 4. Potable water lines shall not pass under or through any part of the sewage disposal system. Where a water supply line must cross a sewer line, the bottom of the water service within ten feet of the point of crossing, shall be at least 12 inches above the top of the sewer line. The sewer line shall be of Schedule 40 pipe with cemented joints at least ten feet on either side of the crossing. Water and sewer lines shall not be laid in the same trench. The water and sewer lines, when laid on the same elevation, shall maintain a minimum separation distance of 10 feet.5. The surface of or the surface above the disposal field shall not be used for vehicular traffic or vehicular parking. 6. No portion of an onsite wastewater disposal system shall be located under dwellings or other permanent structures.7. Effluent disposal systems shall not be located in depressed areas where surface water will accumulate. Provision shall be made to minimize the flow of surface water over the effluent disposal field.8. Subsurface wastewater disposal field setbacks from sensitive waters. [See Table I].9. Slopes of greater than 30% shall not be considered for subsurface disposal installation.10. Where all or part of the onsite wastewater disposal system is proposed to be installed on property other than the owner's, an easement in perpetuity shall be legally recorded in the proper county. The easement shall be of sufficient area to permit access, construction and maintenance of the onsite sewage disposal system.11. No site for an effluent disposal field or expansion area shall be approved which is located wholly within an area which is frequently flooded, swamp, marsh, or wetland. Except that if permits have been issued by the proper regulatory agency authorizing the use of wetlands for building sites, the property shall be evaluated using standard soil and site criteria for IOWDS.12. When a proposed lot is located partially within a frequently flooded area, that portion of said lot not within the flood prone area may be considered for approval for the effluent disposal field.13. There shall be maintained a minimum of 12 inches of unsaturated soil between the bottom of the subsurface disposal system and a perched or seasonal water table in soils that contain a restrictive horizon (fragipan, chalk, bedrock, clay or silty clay) within five feet of the surface.14. There shall be maintained a minimum of 24 inches of unsaturated soil between the bottom of the subsurface disposal system and any perched or seasonal water table in soils that do not contain a restrictive horizon (fragipan, chalk, bedrock, clay or silty clay) within five feet of the surface.15. Easements or right-of-way areas for utilities, surface or subsurface drainage, roads, streets, ponds or lakes shall not be used as available space for location of individual onsite sewage disposal systems.15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-5.5.4