15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-5.1.7

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-5.1.7 - Minimum Standards for Concrete Reinforcement
1. Tanks Reinforced with Welded Steel Concrete Wire
a. The reinforcing wire shall be a minimum number ten (10) gauge six (6) inch on centers. The reinforcing wire shall be lapped a minimum of six (6) inches.
b. Lids for prefabricated septic tanks shall have one (1) 3/8 inch steel reinforcing rod per foot of length and width.
2. Tanks Reinforced with Synthetic Structural Fibers
a. Manufacturer of synthetic structural fibers shall provide certification showing fibers meet the requirements of outlined in this section.
b. Synthetic fibers shall be monofilament and made of a polypropylene or polypropylene/polyethylene blend in accordance with ASTM C 1116, Section 4.1.3, Part III.
c. Synthetic structural fibers shall have minimum length of 1.5 inches.
d. Synthetic structural fibers shall produce concrete with a minimum average residual strength of one hundred fifty (150) psi when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1399.
e. Fiber dosage rate shall be a minimum of 3 lb/yd 3 of concrete.

15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-5.1.7

Miss Code Ann. § 41-67-3