Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-3.1.8 - Subdivisions Requiring a Feasibility Study1. The developer shall employ a Professional Engineer to prepare the feasibility study to determine the proper, adequate method of sewage disposal for the proposed subdivision. 2. The Feasibility Study and all accompanying materials shall be prepared and submitted to the Division for review. The complete submittal must contain all original signatures and seals and include an electronic copy of the plat. The Feasibility Study should be submitted well in advance of the anticipated construction date, since a lack of necessary information could cause additional delays. a. If all required information is not provided with the submittal, the applicant shall be notified in writing and review withheld until the complete information is received. 3. The feasibility study shall be accompanied by the following attachments: b. A subdivision plat showing: i. The name of the subdivision ii. A layout drawn to scale of proposed lots, streets and easements which shows the location of existing and proposed wells. The scale of the plats shall be adequate to provide information in a clear and legible manner. iii. Actual lot sizes and lot sizes excluding easements, rights of way and other similar areas. Easements and rights of way must be identified as to their purpose, i.e., electrical, water, etc.. iv. Phases, sectors, block and lot numbers, and street names or identification v. A minimum of one corner of the proposed development identified in State Plane Coordinates or longitude and latitude. vi. Topography of the area, with contours to show existing and proposed drainage, existing grades, and finished grades where changes are anticipated. vii. An adequate plan showing frequently flooded areas, existing and proposed drainage, and easements for surface and subsurface drainage. Normal and flood elevations of lakes shall be clearly and accurately shown. viii. All soil borings performed in the subdivision, located accurately and properly identified. ix. When a subdivision includes land within a water storage easement or flood easement, a letter shall be required from the easement holder, addressing the proposed development's compliance with any rules or guidelines of the easement holder. 4. After the feasibility study has been submitted and reviewed, a final report shall be completed by the Division of On-site Wastewater indicating the determination of feasibility of on-site systems or central collection and treatment. The final report shall be returned to the applicant or his/her agent with written notice of actions taken. 15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-3.1.8