Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-3.1.11 - On-site Systems Serving Commercial Establishments, Multi-Family Residences, Manufactured Home Developments and Recreational Vehicle Campgrounds1. A property owner planning to build, construct or otherwise place more than two families, manufactured homes or recreational vehicles or a single commercial establishment on a single tract of land and is planning to utilize an Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal System, designed to treat and dispose of residential strength wastewater, must submit information on the Multi-Family Residence and Manufactured Home Development/Recreational Vehicle Campground Checklist Form provided by the Department. 2. Multi-Family residences must count each separate unit as one "lot" in the development. 3. The planned sewage flow for each lot in a manufactured home development shall be 390 gallons per day. 4. More than one commercial establishment, recreational vehicle or multi-family dwelling may be connected to a single on-site wastewater disposal system, provided that one person is accountable for the on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with these regulations for all dwellings involved. 5. Commercial establishments, multi-family dwellings and recreational vehicle campgrounds where the connection of more than one dwelling to an on-site sewage disposal system is proposed, the application to install an on-site disposal system shall include the information in 2.33 (2) and the following additional information: a. A complete layout of streets, parking areas, on-site sewage disposal systems, sewer lines, water lines, easements, underground utilities and dwelling locations; b. Total acreage or square footage of the proposed property. c. A notarized statement signed by the property owner, stating that the property will not be subdivided or lots sold, and that the on-site sewage disposal system will be under the responsibility of one person, and giving the name of that person, with address and telephone number. d. For multi-family dwellings, each building plan shall show the number of dwelling units and number of bedrooms. 6. Projects with projected wastewater flows in excess of fifteen hundred (1,500) gallons per day and flows of high strength waste (not typical of domestic sewage waste) must be designed and submitted by an engineer. 7. The property involved shall not be developed in excess of its capacity to properly treat and dispose of sewage flows generated by the project. 8. The property owner of commercial establishments, recreational vehicle campgrounds or multi-family dwellings where multiple units are connected to a single onsite system shall establish covenants running with the land which shall include, at a minimum the following: a. The responsible person originally owning or developing the property shall own and be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the common sewage disposal system(s). The responsible party shall not disestablish itself without the concurrence of the Department, in which case its responsibilities shall pass to its successors or assigns. b. The covenants shall binding on present and future owners until such time as the system(s) is/are no longer required by the Regulation, the same being the case when each space (lot) is connected to a public or private sanitary sewer system. 9. Once the developer has assembled the required documentation it must be submitted to the department for review. Upon completion of the review the developer or his/her agent will receive authorization to proceed with the project. 15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-3.1.11