Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-2.1.21 - Responsibilities1. Provide complete information, including all applicable requirements and regulations on all systems recommended to the owner, lessee or developer which shall have the right to choose among systems. 2. Notify the Department at least 48 hours before beginning construction if acting as the Certified Installer of an Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal System and, at that time, schedule a time for inspection of the system with the appropriate county Department of Health. 3. Provide a signed affidavit and any additional required documentation that the system was installed in compliance with all requirements, regulations and permit conditions applicable to the system installed. This applies only if the Certified Professional Evaluator is acting as the Certified Installer. The Affidavit must be given to the Applicant of the Notice of Intent. 4. Furnish proof of certification to a property owner or the owner's representative of the property before performing a site evaluation of the property on which an individual on-site wastewater disposal system is to be designed, constructed, repaired or installed by the Certified Professional Evaluator and to the Department or its authorized representative, if requested. 5. Notify the Department of any change in address, business partnership or affiliation, or any other status that affects his standing as a Professional Evaluator. Such notice must be in writing and must be delivered to the Department within 10 working days. 6. Shall not knowingly associate in a business venture with, or permit the use of the Professional Evaluator's name or firm name by, any person or firm where there is reason to believe that person or firm is engaging in activity of a fraudulent or dishonest nature or is violating any law or regulations of the Department. 7. Except as provided in paragraph 9 of this section, a Certified Professional Evaluator shall not utilize the evaluations, design, drawings or work of another Certified Professional Evaluator without the knowledge and written consent of the Certified Professional Evaluator or organization of ownership that originated the design, drawings or work. In the event that the Certified Professional Evaluator who generated the original document is no longer employed by the firm retaining ownership of the original documents or is deceased, another Certified Professional Evaluator who is a partner or officer in the firm retaining ownership of the original documents may authorize utilization of the original documents by another Certified Professional Evaluator or firm. This fact must be disclosed to the Department when submitting applications supported by Certified Professional Evaluator materials and certifications. 8. Utilizing information contained in the Department records, on which a decision to approve or refer a site has been made, shall be considered to be in the public domain and may be utilized by a Certified Professional Evaluator without permission. 9. Provide information, if utilizing information in the Department's files or has received permission to modify or otherwise utilize the evaluation, design, drawings or work of another Certified Professional Evaluator may certify that work only after a thorough review of the evaluation, design, drawings or work and after he determines that he is willing to assume full responsibility for all design, drawings or work on which he relies for his opinion. 10. Public b. A Certified Professional Evaluator shall not knowingly fail to disclose a material fact requested in connection with an application submitted to the Department by himself or any other individual or business entity for certification, renewal or reinstatement. d. The Certified Professional Evaluator shall promptly and fully inform an employer or client of any business association, interest, or circumstance or circumstances that may influence the Certified Professional Evaluator's judgment or the quality of service. f. A Certified Professional Evaluator certified to practice soil and site evaluations or to design Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal Systems in other jurisdictions shall be in good standing and shall not have had a certificate suspended, revoked or surrendered in connection with a disciplinary action or have been the subject of discipline in another jurisdiction. 11. Submittal Reports a. System Application i. The Certified Professional Evaluator must submit appropriate residential or commercial application to the Division with evaluation and design documentation. ii. Applications that are incomplete or substandard, in any manner, shall be returned to Applicant. The Applicant and Certified Professional Evaluator will be notified of any deficiencies. If an application has been returned, the Applicant or his agent may submit a new application to correct the deficiency or deficiencies contained in his first application. If the application is received within 45 days of the first, the Division will waive all fees associated with the new application. This waiver may be granted not more than once per site. iii. No Certified Professional Evaluator shall certify a site evaluation and/or design unless such evaluation and/or design comply with the minimum requirements of the Regulations and such certification and/or design is produced in accordance with this chapter. A Certified Professional Evaluator shall make a good faith effort to secure complete, accurate, and timely information regarding site and soil conditions, including relevant factors on adjacent parcels, including but not limited to utilities, water supplies, and other sewage systems. The Certified Professional Evaluator shall certify that all information submitted is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and shall be required to be aware of all information in agency files pertaining to the site he is certifying. iv. Any system proposed for authorization in accordance with performance standards must be designed and certified by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Mississippi who is a Certified Engineer Evaluator. b. Soil and Site Evaluation i. All soil and site evaluation reports submitted to the Department shall be in a form approved by the Division, shall contain the minimum information specified by the Division, and shall be certified as fully complying with the Regulations. A statement approved by the Department shall be used to certify that a site evaluation and/or design comply with the Board's regulations for on-site sewage systems. No approval shall be granted pursuant to this chapter for any site that has not been certified by a Certified Professional Evaluator. ii. Additional information may be included with a Certified Professional Evaluator submission in order to facilitate processing the application. However, for the purposes of a Certified Professional Evaluator certifying that an evaluation and/or design complies with the Regulations and "deemed approvable" only those requirements contained in the regulations are considered to apply unless a local government has requested the Department to implement a more restrictive local ordinance. Wastewater system sites proposed for use must be defined in a manner that allows them to be identified on the plat with the accuracy and precision of 3 feet or less. c. Design: A complete design packet must contain the following: ii. Plat showing location and/or dimensions of: Water supply, residence, property, sensitive waters (if applicable), and setbacks on contours with 2 foot intervals (if applicable); iii. Soil Profile Sheet and location of each soil boring iv. Individual On-Site Wastewater Disposal System chosen by the Applicant v. Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal System option(s). 12. Design calculations used to establish the design parameters of the recommended system, including the minimum information deemed appropriate by the Division; 13. Provide 2 sets of construction drawings and specifications for the recommended system in accordance with statutes and regulations; 14. A statement stamped and certified by the Certified Professional Evaluator that the site and soil conditions and design conform to the Regulations. 15. Additional information based on standard procedures can be submitted when a Certified Professional Evaluator believes it may be in the interest of public health, the environment, or the client. d. Field Analysis i. The Department is not required to perform a field analysis of Certified Professional Evaluator evaluations and designs prior to issuing a Permit/Recommendation approval; however, the Department may conduct a field analysis, as deemed necessary to protect public health, and to insure licensure integrity. Whenever a field analysis is performed, the Department shall make a record of the results. 15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-2.1.21