15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-1.3.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-1.3.1 - Responsibility

The Division, Environmental Health Program Specialist, District Environmentalist, Regional Environmentalist, Environmentalist and Environmentalist Trainee must comply with the following:

1. Division
a. Attend and conduct all training courses
b. Provide necessary regulations, forms, documents, and evaluations to determine the suitability of property for an IOWDS and enter the data in the wastewater computer program
c. Provide or deny certifications or registrations issued to Certified Manufacturers, Certified Professional Evaluators, Certified Installers and Certified Pumpers
d. Suspend or revoke certifications for Certified Manufacturers, Certified Professional Evaluators, Certified Installers and Certified Pumpers
e. Review and approve the submittal for all designs submitted by Certified Professional Evaluators or Licensed Professional Engineers
f. Coordinate and provide initial certification, continuing education and training for Certified Professional Evaluators, Certified Installers and Certified Pumpers of IOWDS as outlined in Chapter 2: Certification
g. Review submissions and requirements for registration of all specified manufactured wastewater products
h. Promulgate rules and regulations for Design and Performance-based Systems
i. Determine the feasibility of Centralized Wastewater Treatment System for developments
j. Develop and implement policy and procedures
k. Provide technical assistance
l. Coordinate training, continuing education and determine competency of Environmentalist
m. Monitor commercial development/establishments and Performance-based System evaluations, document findings and enter in the wastewater computer program
n. Review, inspect and approve/disapprove Performance-based Systems and enter appropriate data related to system into wastewater computer program
o. Inspect, approve/disapprove all IOWDS prior to issuance of Final Approval
p. Monitor Districts/Counties and Certified Professional Evaluators through the Quality Assurance program implemented by the Division
q. Ensure computer data is accurate and updated for all certifications and registrations
r. Conduct field evaluations on all designs submitted by Certified Professional Evaluators or Licensed Professional Engineers
s. Conduct field inspections on all specified manufactured wastewater products, as deemed necessary
t. Schedule with Hearing Officer within ten (10) working days on all enforcement proceedings for Certified Manufacturers and Certified Professional Evaluators
u. Perform Quality Assurance for Environmentalist and Certified Professional Evaluators
2. District Environmentalist
a. Attend all training courses as outlined by the Division
b. Demonstrate to the Department that 41-67-19 is satisfactorily met
c. Provide supervision over Environmentalist(s) to ensure the design, construction, installation and approval of an IOWDS
d. Suspend or revoke certifications for Certified Installers and Certified Pumpers
e. Inspect, and/or designate inspections of, Certified Pumper's vehicle(s)
f. Verify all information needed prior to performing the Soil and Site Evaluation
g. Ensure that Environmentalist are recommending all approvable options
h. Demonstrate competency as a Certified Professional Evaluator
i. Ensure that all regulations are applied uniformly in their area of the State
j. Monitor and enter all referred encounters and complaints into the wastewater computer program
k. Ensure or perform the Soil and Site Evaluation within five (5) working days of receiving a completed Notice of Intent
l. Ensure or process the Permit/Recommendation within ten (10) working days of the completed Notice of Intent
m. Inspect, approve/disapprove all Design-based Systems prior to issuance of Final Approval
n. Schedule a hearing within the required ten (10) working days on all enforcement proceedings for Certified Installer and Certified Pumper
o. Report findings of all enforcement proceedings for Certified Installer or Certified Pumper to the Division
p. Attend a minimum of four (4) hours of Continuing Education Units endorsed by the Division in a calendar year to maintain certification
3. Regional Environmentalist
a. Attend all training courses as outlined by the Division
b. Demonstrate to the Department that 41-67-19 is satisfactorily met
c. Provide supervision over Environmentalist(s) to ensure the design, construction, installation and approval of an IOWDS
d. Issue notice to suspend or revoke certifications for Certified Installers and Certified Pumpers
e. Inspect, or designate inspections, of Certified Pumper's vehicle(s)
f. Verify all information needed prior to performing the Soil and Site Evaluation
g. Ensure that Environmentalist are recommending all approvable options
h. Coordinate with the District Environmentalist on all enforcement issues
i. Ensure that all regulations are applied uniformly in their area of the State
j. Monitor and/or enter, all referred encounters or complaints into the wastewater computer program
k. Ensure or process the Soil and Site Evaluation within five (5) working days of receiving a complete Notice of Intent
l. Ensure or process the Permit/Recommendation within ten (10) working days of the completed Notice of Intent
m. Inspect, approve/disapprove all Design-based Systems prior to issuance of Final Approval
n. Attend a minimum of four (4) hours of Continuing Education Units endorsed by the Division in a calendar year to maintain certification
4. Environmentalist
a. Attend all training courses as outlined by the Division
b. Demonstrate to the Department that 41-67-19 is satisfactorily met
c. Ensure the design of an IOWDS can be installed and approved
d. Issue notice to suspend or revoke certifications for Certified Installers and Certified Pumpers
e. Inspect Certified Pumper's vehicle(s)
f. Verify all information needed prior to performing the Soil and Site Evaluation
g. Investigate complaints and enforce all applicable statutes, regulations, and certification violation for the Certified Installer and Certified Pumper
h. Coordinate with the Regional Environmentalist on all enforcement issues
i. Perform the Soil and Site Evaluation within five (5) working days of the submittal of a completed Notice of Intent
j. Process the Permit/Recommendation within ten (10) working days of completing the Soil and Site Evaluation
k. Inspect, approve/disapprove all Design-based Systems prior to issuance of Final Approval
l. Initiate all wastewater complaints received within forty-eight (48) hours
m. Monitor and/or enter, all environmental health related encounters and complaints into the wastewater computer program
n. Attend a minimum of four (4) hours of Continuing Education Units endorsed by the Division in a calendar year to maintain certification
5. Environmentalist Trainee
a. Attend all training courses as outlined by the Division
b. Demonstrate to the Department that 41-67-19 is satisfactorily met
c. Perform all Soil and Site Evaluations, existing inspections, collect water samples, and investigate wastewater complaints with Regional/District Environmentalist under the probationary status
d. Demonstrate competency as an Environmentalist/Certified Professional Evaluator

15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-1.3.1

Miss Code Ann § 41-67-3