15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-52.28.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-16-1-52.28.1

The following minimum standards as stated in previous parts are also applicable to chemical dependency units: Chapter 41- Physical Plant

1. Rule 41.8.1 General
2. Rule 41.8.2 Codes
3. Subchapter 9 Submission of Plans
4. Rule 41.9.1
5. Rule 41.9.2
6. Rule 41.9.3
7. Rule 41.9.4
8. Rule 41.9.5
9. Rule 41.9.6
10. Rule 41.9.7 Environment
11. Rule 41.9.8 Zoning Restrictions
12. Rule 41.9.9 Access
13. Rule 41.9.10 Elements of Construction
a. Corridors - shall be 60" wide and 7'6" high (clear). The surface of all floors and walls shall be washable. All corridors longer than 150' shall be subdivided by a smoke barrier and must be maintained free of obstruction.
b. Doors-all doors in corridors shall be 20-minutes fire rated doors (1-3/4" solid core wood door as a minimum). All doors to patient bedrooms, diagnostic and treatment areas, and other doors used by residents shall be at least 36" wide. No door shall swing into the corridor except closet doors. Doors to hazardous areas defined in the Life Safety Code shall be 1-1/2 hour "B" labeled fire doors. Exit doors shall conform to the requirements set forth in the Life Safety code.
14. Subchapter 10 Fire Reporting and Protection
15. Rule 41.10.1
16. Rule 41.102
17. Rule 41.10.3 Heating and Ventilating
18. Subchapter 11 Plumbing
19. Rule 41.11.1
20. Rule 41.11.2
21. Rule 41.11.3
22. Subchapter 12 Sewage Disposal
23. Rule 41.12.1
24. Rule 41.12.2
25. Rule 41.13.2
a. Nurses' Call System: A minimum of 10% of the facility bedrooms be equipped with a nurses' call system. The rooms that are equipped with nurses' call system shall be located adjacent to the nurses' station.
b. These rooms are generally intended for initial detoxification or special treatment.
26. Subchapter 14 Emergency Electrical Services
27. Rule 41.14.1
28. Rule 41.14.2
29. Emergency Electrical Systems: Emergency electrical service shall be provided in accordance with the applicable section of the Life Safety Code.
30. Rule 41.14.3
31. Rule 41.14.3(1)
32. Rule 41.14.3(2)
33. Rule 41.14.3(3)
34. Rule 41.14.3(4)
35. Rule 41.14.4 Finishings:
a. Bed-each patient room shall be equipped with a quality bed acceptable for this environment.
b. Bedside Cabinet-A bedside cabinet or table shall be provided.
36. Rule 41.14.5
37. Rule 41.14.6 Delete (Cubicle Curtains)
38. Rule 41.14.7
39. Rule 41.14.8
40. A lavatory shall be located in the bedroom or in a private toilet room.
41. Rule 41.14.9 Service Areas
42. Rule 41.14.10 Delete (Isolation Room)
43. Rule 41.14.11 Detention Room
44. Subchapter 15 Delete (Special Care)
45. Subchapter 31 Delete (Newborn Nursery)
46. Rule 41.15.9 Delete (Pediatric Unit)
47. Rule 41.16.9
48. Subchapter 17 Delete (Central Sterile Supply)
49. Subchapter 19: Outpatient Area: An outpatient area shall be provided when indicated.
50. Subchapter 20 Radiology Suite (Delete if provided by arrangement)
51. Subchapter 21 Laboratory (Delete if provided by arrangement)
52. Subchapter 22 Drug Room-Refer to Subchapters 66-69-Pharmacy Services
53. Subchapter 23 Dietary
54. Subchapter 24 Administrative Area
55. Rule 41.24.2:
a. Housekeeping Area-to include: Housekeeper's office or suitable area designated for record keeping.
b. Storage space for maid's carts, if used.
56. Rule 41.24.3 Laundry: Facilities shall be provided for personal laundry for use by patients. This area shall be separated from areas by a one hour fire rated wall.
57. Rule 41.24.4 General Storage: There shall be a two hour fire rated lockable room large enough to provide five square feet of general storage for each bed provided.
58. Rule 41.24.5 Boiler Room
59. Rule 41.24.6 Maintenance Area: Sufficient area for performing routine maintenance activities shall be provided and shall include an office or suitable area designated for record keeping.

15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-52.28.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-9-17