15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-52.19.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-16-1-52.19.2 - Facilities

Adequate space, equipment, ventilation and supplies as well as any necessary written procedure and precautions, shall be provided for the safe and sanitary operation of the dietetic service and the safe and sanitary handling and distribution of food.

1. The food service area should be appropriately located.
2. The dietitian's office should be easily accessible to all who require consultation services.
3. Sufficient space shall be provided for support personnel to perform their duties.
4. The layout of the department and the type amount, size, and placement of equipment shall make possible the efficient preparation and distribution of food.
5. Lavatories with wrist action blades, soap dispenser and disposable towel dispenser shall be located throughout the dietary department.
6. Dry or staple food items shall be stored in a ventilation room which is not subject to sewage or waste water back flow, or contamination by condensation, leakage, rodents or vermin.
7. All perishable foods shall be refrigerated at the appropriate temperature and in an orderly and sanitary manner. Each refrigerator shall contain a thermometer in good working order.
8. Foods being displayed or transported shall be protected from contamination.
9. Dishwashing procedures and techniques shall be developed and carried out in compliance with the state and local health codes.
10. All garbage and kitchen refuse which is not disposed of mechanically shall be kept in leak-proof non-absorbent containers with close fitting covers and be disposed of routinely in a manner that will not permit transmission of disease, a nuisance, or a breeding place for files. All garbage containers are to be thoroughly cleaned inside and outside each time emptied.
11. All dietary areas, equipment, walls, floors, etc., shall be kept maintained in good working condition and sanitary at all times.

15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-52.19.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-9-17