Current through October 31, 2024
Rule 15-16-1-2.3.14 - License Renewal For renewal, each licensed entity shall submit:
1. A completed and signed renewal application; received on or before 30 days prior to the date of expiration; 2. A renewal licensure Fee of $500 for up to 25 beds; with an additional $20.00 per bed for each licensed bed thereafter; 3. In a format as requested by MSDH, information designed to capture the entity's provision of services being provided, to include but not be limited to, number and acuity of infants/children served, number and types of treatments/specialized services provided, and other information that may be useful in determining that services, as outlined in these requirements are offered/met; and 4. Evidence of continued compliance with all building/fire codes as evidence by a copy of the annual inspection by the local Fire Marshall of the area/region where the center is located; and 5. Proof of General and Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of at least $300,000 including Workers Compensation Insurance. 15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-2.3.14
Mississippi Code Annotated § 41-125-19