15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-4.3.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-32-4.3.2 - Surgical Suites/Anesthesia
1. The surgical team must be on-call with a well-defined mechanism for notification to expedite transfer to the operating room if the patient's condition warrants. The process should be monitored by trauma PI program.
2. The OR nurses should participate in the care of the trauma patient and be competent in the surgical stabilization of the major trauma patient.
3. The surgical nurses are integral members of the trauma team and must participate in the ongoing PI process of the trauma program and must be represented on the Multidisciplinary Trauma Committee.
4. The OR supervisor must be able to demonstrate a prioritization scheme to assure the availability of an operating room for the emergent trauma patient during a busy operative schedule.
5. Anesthesia must be promptly available with a mechanism established to ensure notification of the on-call anesthesiologist. The Level III trauma center must document conditions when the anesthesiologist must be immediately available for airway emergencies and operative management of the trauma patient.
6. Anesthesiologists on the trauma team must have successfully completed an anesthesia residency program approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the American Board of Osteopathic Specialties, or the American Osteopathic Board and should have board certification in anesthesia.
7. Anesthesia requirements may be fulfilled by Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and/or anesthesia residents who are capable of assessing emergent situations in trauma patients and of providing an indicated treatment, including initiation of surgical anesthesia. When the CRNA is used to meet this requirement, the staff Anesthesiologist will be advised and promptly available at all times and present for operations. Trauma centers must document conditions when the anesthesiologist must be immediately available for airway emergencies and operative management of the trauma patient. The availability of the anesthesiologist and the absence of delays in operative anesthesia must be documented and monitored by the PI process. The anesthesiologist participating on the trauma team should have the necessary educational background in the care of the trauma patient; participate in the Multidisciplinary Trauma Committee and the trauma PI process.
8. The list of required equipment necessary for Surgery and Anesthesiology can be found on line at http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/49.html.

15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-4.3.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5