15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-3.6.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-31-3.6.2 - Flight Crew Member

The licensee shall have a structured program of initial and recurrent training for the aviation personnel specific to their function in the medical transport environment. The aviation specific requirements of FAR (section 135.345) are controlling, however, BEMS recommended guidelines are listed below:

1. Initial - The licensee shall ensure that all cockpit crew members successfully complete initial training and orientation to the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their functions in air medical transport operations. Training shall include the following topics:
a. Pre-flight planning to accommodate special patient needs including weather considerations, altitude selection, fuel requirements, weight and balance, effective range and performance and selection of alternate airports appropriate for a medial or aviation diversion.
b. Flight release - effective communication between communications specialist, air medical personnel and pilot(s). Aviation considerations for release (approval to proceed) based on the latest weather and aircraft status.
c. Ground ambulance handling in direct vicinity of aircraft; Baggage and equipment handling (pressurized and non-pressurized compartments) (fixed-wing pilots); Patient enplaning - passenger briefing. (fixed-wing pilots); Coordination of aircraft movement with air medical personnel activities prior to taxi to ensure their safety; Smooth and coordinated control of the aircraft when maneuvering, transition of control surface configurations and ground operations for patient, air medical personnel and passenger comfort; Intermediate stop procedures - (fueling, fire equipment standby, customs); Medical emergencies during flight; Aircraft emergency procedures - evacuations including patient; Cabin temperature control to maintain comfortable cabin temperature for the occupants.
2. Recurrent - The licensee shall ensure that all aviation personnel receive recurrent training - at least annually -on the topics included in their initial indoctrination as well as any changes or updates made to policies or procedures.
3. Drills - The licensee shall make provisions for actual practice of those procedures that require complicated physical work or that is technically complex such as enplaning and deplaning of patients, emergency evacuation, medical equipment identification, and mock situational problem solving.
4. Documentation - The licensee will document the completed training for each air medical staff member.

15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-3.6.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5
Amended 11/20/2015
Amended 10/5/2017
Amended 12/23/2020