15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-1.6.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-31-1.6.1

For the AEMT all the equipment for the EMT as previously listed plus the following equipment and supplies: #24068

1. Intravenous administration equipment (fluid should be in bags, not bottles): Ringer's Lactate and/or normal saline solution (4,000 ml minimum)
2. Antiseptic Solution (i.e. alcohol wipes)
3. IV Pole or Roof Hook
4. Intravenous catheter with needle (1"-3" in length) minimum 6 each, sizes 14G-24G.
5. Venous tourniquet.
6. Syringes, various sizes, including tuberculin.
7. Needles, various sizes (one at least 1 1/2 "for IM injection
8. Three (3) Intravenous administration sets (microdrip and macrodrip)
9. Intravenous arm boards (adult and pediatric)
10. Airway
a. Rescue Airway (e.g. Combitube, Extraglottic Device) Adult
b. Rescue Airway (e.g. Combitube, Extraglottic Device) Pediatric (AEMT Only)
c. End-tidal CO2 Detectors (may be made onto bag valve mask assemblies or separate)
d. Pulse Oximeter with pediatric and adult probes. (Pulse ox may be independent or integrated with a monitor/defibrillator or other device).
11. Nebulizer (#22474)

15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-1.6.1

Miss. Code Ann. §41-59-5
Amended 2/19/2017
Amended 10/5/2017
Amended 5/23/2019
Amended 12/23/2020
Amended 8/12/2024