15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-1.5.8

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-31-1.5.8

Medical, surgical, and bio-medical equipment for all levels: When specified, the ambulance shall be equipped with, but not limited to, the following: #24068

1. One stretcher for primary patient as specified in current Federal Specifications for ambulances, dimensions as per KKK-A-1822.
2. 3 strap type restraining devices (chest, hip, knee, and shoulder) attached to stretcher. Straps shall not be less than two inches wide, nylon, and consist of quick release buckles.
3. Portable and fixed oxygen equipment with variable flow regulator capable of delivering 15 lpm in calibrated increments. Cylinder must contain 300 psi of medical grade 02 at a minimum.
4. Three oxygen masks, adult. (Non-rebreathing face mask)
5. One oxygen mask, child. (Non-rebreathing face mask)
6. One oxygen mask, infant.
7. Three oxygen bi-pronged nasal cannulas.
8. One oxygen bi-pronged nasal cannula - pediatric.
9. One mouth-to-mask artificial ventilation device with supplemental oxygen inlet port with one-way valve, i.e., "pocket mask", etc.
10. Bag Valve Mask (manual resuscitator) hand operated, self-re-expanding bag, adult (>1000 ml), without pop-off valve, with oxygen reservoir capable of delivering 80-100 percent oxygen.
11. Bag Valve Mask (manual resuscitator) hand operated, self-re-expanding bag, pediatric (450-750 ml), without pop-off valve, with oxygen reservoir capable of delivering 80-100 percent oxygen.
12. Bag Valve Mask (manual resuscitator) hand operated, self-re-expanding bag, infant, without pop-off valve, with oxygen reservoir capable of delivering 80-100 percent oxygen.
13. Bag Valve Mask (manual resuscitator) hand operated, self-re-expanding bag, neonate, without pop-off valve, with oxygen reservoir capable of delivering 80-100 percent oxygen. May substitute infant bag and utilize neonate specific mask.
14. Two adult oropharyngeal airways, one each, sizes 4-5.
15. Two child oropharyngeal airways, one each, sizes 2-3.
16. Two infant oropharyngeal airways, one each, sizes 0-1.
17. One adult nasopharyngeal airway 28-36 fr. or 7.0-9.0 mm.
18. One child nasopharyngeal airway 20-26 fr. or 5.0-6.0 mm.
19. Lubricating jelly (water soluble).
20. One bite stick.
21. Six large, sterile, individually wrapped, trauma dressings (minimal six 8" x 10"). Must include one ABD pad, 10"x12" or larger.
22. Twelve sterile, individually wrapped (or in twos), dressings 4" x 4".
23. Three soft roller bandages, 4" or larger.
24. Three triangular bandages or commercial arm slings.
25. Adhesive tape
26. Various sizes (including 1" and 2") hypoallergenic
27. Various sizes (including 1" and 2") adhesive
28. Arterial Tourniquet
29. One pair heavy bandage or EMT shears for cutting clothing, belts, and boots.
30. Cold Packs
31. One sterile, occlusive dressing or equivalent, 3" x 8", or larger.
32. Cervical Collars; minimum one rigid for children ages 2 years or older; one each, child and adult sizes (small, medium, large). Other available sizes are recommended. NOTE: Two adjustable, rigid collars may be substituted.
33. One lower extremity traction splint, limb-support slings, padded ankle hitch, padded pelvic support, traction strap.
34. Assorted sized extremity immobilization devices which will provide for immobilization of joint above and joint below fracture and rigid support and be appropriate material (cardboard, metal, pneumatic, wood, plastic, etc.). Sizes shall be appropriate for adult and pediatric patients.
35. One short spine board with accessories or commercial equivalent (KED, Kansas Board, etc.).
36. Two long spine boards multi-use impervious to blood and body fluid or single use disposable - with accessories. (Radiolucent preferred.)
37. One folding stretcher as specified in current Federal Specifications for Ambulances, style 3 (folding legs optional) or a combination stretcher chair designed to permit a patient to be carried on stairways and/or through narrow areas.
38. Head Immobilization Device multi-use impervious to blood and body fluid or single use disposable.
39. Two sterile or clean burn sheets (packaged and stored separately from other linens).
40. Six clean sheets (2 on cot and 4 spare).
41. Three pillowcases (1 on pillow and 2 spare).
42. Two blankets.
43. Towels.
44. Triage tags. Color code must be (from top to bottom) black (deceased), red (immediate), yellow (delayed), and green (minor). White for worried well, etc. is optional.
45. One sterile OB kit.
46. One Sphygmomanometer (adult with regular and large size cuffs).
47. One Sphygmomanometer (pediatric).
48. One length-based tape or appropriate reference material for pediatric equipment sizing and drug dosing based on estimated or known weight.
49. One stethoscope.
50. One roll aluminum foil or silver swaddler (enough to cover newborn).
51. Infant blood pressure cuff with aneroid gauge.
52. Flashlights (2).
53. Two liters of sterile water for irrigation. One liter shall be sterile saline solution for irrigation. May be packaged in bottles or bags. Unbroken seal required.
54. One container of water for purging fixed suction device.
55. One container of water for purging portable suction devices.
56. One 15g. glucose or other commercial derivative for oral administration.
57. 50g. activated charcoal.
58. Automated external defibrillator (AED) (EMT or AEMT Level Ambulance Only). AED shall have pediatric capabilities, including pediatric sized pads and cables as appropriate. #22474
59. Glucometer or blood glucose measuring device
60. High Visibility Safety Apparel for Staff: Each Special Use EMS Vehicle must be equipped with high visibility safety apparel for each person staffing or participating in the operation of the vehicle. All garments must meet the requirements of the American National Standard for High Visibility Apparel ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 Performance Class 2 or Performance Class 3, or the ANSI/ISEA 207-2006 Standard. All garments must have labels, affixed by the manufacturer in accordance with the standard, that indicate compliance with the Performance Class 2, Performance Class 3, or 207-2006 standard.

15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-1.5.8

Miss. Code Ann. §41-59-5
Amended 2/19/2017
Amended 10/5/2017
Amended 5/23/2019
Amended 12/23/2020
Amended 8/12/2024