Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-31-1.13.2 - Required equipment: #224741. First aid kit: Commercially available kit containing gauze pads, roller bandages, and adhesive tape acceptable2. Fire extinguisher: one, ABC dry chemical, multi-purpose (Halon, C02) minimum 5-pound unit in a quick-release bracket mounted in the patient compartment.3. 1 box disposable tissues4. 1 bed pan (fracture type acceptable) and urinal as needed for personal hygiene during transport.10. Communication equipment to notify emergency services in case of emergency. At minimum, shall have two-way (mobile) radio equipment: One two-way radio (155.340 MHZ) or acceptable alternative that is compatible or interoperable for communication on radio frequency 155.340.11. Each vehicle shall have a crash stable device for securing the stretcher meeting all applicable standards. At minimum shall have one stretcher for primary patient as specified in current Federal Specifications for ambulances, dimensions as per KKK-A-1822. 5-point type restraining devices (chest, hip, knee, and shoulder) attached to stretcher. Straps shall not be less than two inches wide, nylon, and consist of quick release buckles.12. Automated external defibrillator (AED) (Basic Level Ambulance Only). AED shall have pediatric capabilities, including pediatric sized pads and cables as appropriate.13. Hazardous Material Reference Guide.15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-1.13.2