Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-11-55-3.7.1 - Emergency and Evacuation PlanThe provider shall establish and follow a written, multi-hazard emergency preparedness, response, and recovery plan to protect children in the event of emergencies that at a minimum shall:
1. Address any potential disaster, natural or human-caused event, related to the area in which the family home is located;2. Include procedures to control access to buildings and outdoor play areas;3. Include procedures for evacuation, relocation to one of the family home's pre-determined places, shelter-in-place, lock down, communication with families, and continuity of operations;4. Include specific procedure for accommodations for infants and toddlers, including food and formula;5. Include specific procedures for caring for children with disabilities and chronic medical conditions, including the evacuation and transportation, as well as any required medication or medical equipment;6. Include a system to quickly account for all children;7. Include a system, and a back-up system, for contacting parents and authorized third party release caretakers;8. Include a system to reunite children and parents following an emergency;9. Include procedures for providing information about the emergency plan to parents at the time of enrollment and when changes and/or updates occur;10. Be reviewed annually for accuracy and updated as changes are needed;11. Be reviewed with all staff and volunteers during orientation and at least once every six months;12. Be available at the time of inspection and any other time requested by the licensing agency.15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-3.7.1
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-8