15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-3.4.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-11-55-3.4.6 - Child Abuse

Any operator or employee of a childcare family home who has suspicion or evidence of child abuse or neglect shall report it immediately to the Mississippi Department of Child Protective Services in accordance with Miss. Code Ann. § 43-21-353; 43-21-357; 43-21-261; 43-21-267; 43-21-105(m). A provider must not interview staff or children regarding the specific allegation(s) of child abuse or child neglect until the Department of Child Protective Services and/or local law enforcement agency has had the opportunity to interview all appropriate individuals and completed their investigation.

15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-3.4.6

Adopted 11/14/2024